I brought the three of us to a dead halt.

“The Maji?” I said. “Ezah!”

Nicah jerked her head around, and I saw the hope that filled her eyes. I looked from her to my sister, and I knew … I knew that no matter what, they would have their freedom. I felt a deep connection with my beloved mother at that moment because I knew this was how she felt when she fought for me and my freedom. Her love for me gave her courage, just as my love for Nicah and Asia gave me mine. Without another thought, I turned and barrelled into Master, knocking him onto the ground. I tumbled right along with him.

“Nicah!” I screamed. “Run!”

“No, no!” Master bellowed. “Ah! Ye fuckin’ bitch!”

I tried to scramble to my feet so I could run too, but I was kicked onto my back.

“Prince Ezah!” I heard Nicah scream as she ran. “My prince, where are you?”

After that, I couldn’t hear her because my focus was on Master as he yanked me to my feet by my hair. I lifted my hands to his face and clawed at him with my nails. He roared as his fist found its way to my stomach. The sheer agony that consumed me was enough to make me want to collapse, but somehow, I stayed on my feet.

Wildly, I fought for control of Master’s blaster.

“I’m not the terrified girl you once knew!” I screamed as we fought. “I still get scared sometimes, and I cannot help that, but this fear I have of you and have been harbouring all of my life ends now because I see right through you. You’re nothing. You’re a worthless coward, and you know it.”

He cursed me, vowing to destroy my body before he ripped my life from me. There was a loud bang, and I felt heat consume my stomach. The lighting around the property suddenly switched on, and I could see the man I hated so deeply stare at me. He was breathing heavily, but then again, so was I. Master stumbled back away from me and stared at me, but not at my face, at my stomach. I looked down, and the first thing I saw was the blood. It took a second, but I felt it run down my stomach and my legs. I felt it run down my back too.

He shot me.

I collapsed onto my back with a thud, and the star-filled night sky was all I could see. It was so different from the view I had from atop Nona Mai, but it was no less beautiful. I blinked, and when I opened my eyes, Master was standing over me.

“Yer just like yer mother. Ye’ll have an end just like hers too.” Master glared down at me, his blue eyes filled with hate. “How fittin’. Ye’ll die for nothin’ just as she died for nothin’. I’ll have Nicah back, the baby too. All of me property will be mine again. Ye’ll see, Mud. I’ll destroy the Maji to get them back.”

My eyes closed, and when they opened, Master was gone. I briefly wondered where he went to before my thoughts switched to Ezah. He was close by; I could feel him.


Levi! His voice screamed inside my head. Don’t block me out. You’ve been blocking me out because you’re scared. Fear acts as your shield, so don’t block me out.

Was that what I was doing? I had no clue.

I’m not scared, I told him. Nicah and Asia are okay. They’re free of him. I saved them like my mama saved me.

I’m coming to you. Keep talking to me, and I’ll find you.

He shot me. I swallowed. He shot me, but it’s okay.


Ezah’s roar was not in my head this time. It was all around me. I found myself gathered up in his strong, warm arms, and a feeling of peace filled me from head to toe. I hadn’t realised my eyes had closed, but when I opened them, I saw him. I smiled.

“You came for me … I knew you would.”

“Breathe,” he told me, his soft pink eyes wild. “Breathe, my heart.”

“I love you,” I told him. “I’ve loved you for so long. I should have told you, nalex. I should have told you every minute of every day.”

“You can tell me every minute of every day from this day forth,” he rasped. “Just stay awake. You’re going to be okay.”

I wasn’t. I was dying. There was a hole in my stomach.

“I’m so sorry,” I whimpered. “I shouldn’t have left the palace. I should have let you keep me in our wing where we were safe.”

“Shush, my love, shush. You’ve nothing to be sorry for.”

“Ezah…” My chest pained me. “Please—”

I didn’t know what I planned to say, but I would never know because just like that, darkness clouded over me as my heart came to a full stop.