They asked questions about the Maji, Ealra, and everything in-between. Before I knew it, night had fallen, and I found myself on a cot with a cushioned mattress, a pillow, and a fur blanket. It wasn’t as comfortable as the bedding on Ealra, but it was nice enough. I lay awake staring at the moon lit ceiling for hours. The room I shared had Nicah, Asia, and six others in it. The soft snores, mumbled words, and gentle cooing sounds pulled me right back to The Farm on Earth. It was as if I had never left, and in a way, I hadn’t. I was on a new planet, but New Farm was still the same.

Everything was just prettier to look at.

Tears fell, and I tried my hardest not to burst into sobs and wake the others, but it was hard. I thought of Ezah and how much I missed him and loved him. The regret I felt at not telling him this consumed me. Then fear gripped me when I thought of Master’s words and his plans for me. I had washed my body, but I felt dirty, and he had yet to touch me, but I knew he would.

I cried myself to sleep sometime later, and I knew I was dreaming when I heard his voice.

Levi, can you hear me?

Yes, I sighed. I hear you. I miss you, nalex.

Don’t block me out, tola. You’re blocking your thoughts from me, and you don’t even know it. Your fear blocks your thoughts. Don’t be afraid. I am here. Let down the wall so you can hear me. You’re dreaming, my heart.

I could hear him fine. I just couldn’t see him. I couldn’t see anything.

I’m at New Farm. Master took me from you. He took Nicah and Asia too, and he killed Nuni and Vorah. I whimpered. He’s taking me to his bed, he says so. He said he is going to make me his female, Ezah.

Somehow, I heard Ezah’s growl loud and clear in my head.

I’ll kill him. He’ll never have you.

There was a long pause that lasted minutes, and my heart pinched.

Ezah? Oh, please. I miss you so much.

Come to me!

I can’t. I’m stuck here.

He didn’t respond.

Ezah, I screamed in desperation. Please, don’t leave me. I love you. Ezah!

Wake up, tola. I’m here for you. Wake up!

I shot upright when a terrified scream reached my ears, quickly followed by shouting and the sounds of blasters going off. I thought I could hear the clang of metal on metal too. It reminded me of when I passed by the training yards on the outskirts of Royal City. The screeching cry of a baby from somewhere close by sprung me from my cot. I smacked my shoulder on an object I couldn’t see. For a moment, I forgot where I was then it all came rushing back to me.

Master. New Farm. The bunkhouse. Nicah. Asia.

“Nicah!” I shouted. “Nicah!”

The light in the room flicked on, and I winced at the brightness. Meeno and Nell ran into the room. They looked terrified as other slaves piled into the room after them. “We’re under attack,” Meeno cried. “The men from the Watchmen Patrol that Master pays to secure New Farm are fighting someone.”

“All of you stay here. Turn off the light and keep quiet.”

I ran from the room as a veil of darkness fell upon it, and the door closed firmly behind me. I ran down the stairs and came to a skidding halt in the cookery. The baby’s cries grew, and I found Nicah and my sister hidden in one of the cupboards. Nicah screamed when I opened the door, and Asia’s cries doubled.

“It’s me,” I panted. “It’s me, Nicah.”

“Levi.” She sobbed. “A battle is happening, and I’m so scared. I came down to walk around the room to sway Asia back to sleep when it started out of nowhere.”

I reached for her.

“Come out so we can hide and—”


The light of the room turned on, and Master found me helping Nicah and Asia out of the cupboard. He was bloody and sweating profusely. He looked like hell.

“What’s happening?”

“The bastard tracked us!” Master struggled to pop a new canister of ammo fuel into his blaster’s holder. “Move it. Go.”

“Go where?”

“Fuckin’ move it, girl!”

I didn’t understand what was happening or where he wanted us to go, but I grabbed hold of Nicah’s hand as she clutched a screaming Asia to her chest. Master forced us out of the back entrance of the bunkhouse, and almost instantly, he broke us into a run. He hustled us away from the property and what sounded like a raging war in the dark of night. The lighting that surrounded the property wasn’t switched on and running blindly was terrifying.

A watchman rushed past us, and I heard him say, “Fucking Maji, alien bastards.”