I processed the new information. The sound of an infant’s cry on the recording of Levi’s abduction now made sense.

“I don’t understand,” Arvi said. “Why did he bother to take the human female and her young? What purpose do they serve to him?”

“Nicah and Asia.” I said their names. “Asia and Levi are half-sisters. The human male is their father.”

The males around me froze.

“That male … that male who beat her unconscious is her father?”

My brother’s growl was deep.

“Yes,” I answered Raze. “He is cruel like Kuat, and we need to rescue my female, her sister, and Nicah from him.”

Vorah growled in agreement next to me. I could sense his hunger to get the mission underway. It matched mine.

“Perform equipment and survival kit checks,” I announced. “We do not know how long we will be away from Ealra. Thanas willingly it is only a day or two, but we must be prepared for multiple scenarios that don’t favour us.”

My brothers, Nero, and Vorah followed my instructions as shipmaster. Their attention was focused on their given task. Mine was on my father as he ascended the ramp of the Novik. He came to a stop before me.

“If I was not the Revered Father”—he placed his hand on my shoulder—“I would go with you to the ends of the Universe to get your mate back, son. I swear on my honour.”

“I know you would, Father,” I said. “Keep Mother safe.”


I leaned down slightly, pressed my forehead to his, and clapped his shoulder as his hand clenched mine.

“Thanas be with you.”

He turned and walked down the ramp but suddenly paused and groaned out loud.

“Wait!” a voice I knew well shouted. “Please, wait!”

I watched as my mother sprinted up the ramp of the craft, ducking under my father’s arm when he tried to grab her. She barrelled into me, knocking me back a couple of steps. My arms closed around her and tightened when I heard her gentle cries.

“I have to go.” I lowered my mouth to her ear. “She needs me.”

“I know.” Mother sniffled, squeezing me. “I know, but I need to tell you I love you and that if you don’t come back with all of your brothers and Nero, I’ll follow you to the human planet and paddle all of your behinds. Don’t think I won’t just because you’re all bigger than me.”

I smiled down at my mother.

“I’ve been warned.”

“Good.” She leaned up to kiss me, so I lowered my head until her lips found my cheek. “Oh, my son, I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have let her out of my sight when she saw Nuni out of the palace. This is all my fault.”

Father growled from behind Mother, but she ignored him.

“The fault is with the human male,” I said. “But I will get her back, I swear it.”

Mother kissed me again, then she hurriedly kissed all my brothers, and Nero, who let her fuss. She descended the craft, crying like we had all just been killed, and Father hurried after her as she wailed.

“Zeeza,” Surkah’s voice shouted as Mikoh herded her after Mother and Father. “You will return, promise me.”

“I promise.”

“Double promise!”

I smiled. “I double promise.”

Surkah cried too. I nodded at her male. I knew Mikoh would have come with me, but Surkah was his intended, his charge, and his place was by her side. I realised Mikoh was also trying to keep Nova at bay. I sent the silent command to the ship’s core for the ramp to close, and Nova cried out in dismay.

“I love you, Kol!” Nova shouted as the ramp closed. “I’ll be waiting right here for you, reva. Always.”

I looked at my brother, who appeared by my side, and I saw he was twisted up about leaving his mate.

“You honour me, brother,” I said. “I know what it is you risk by coming with me.”

Kol’s violet eyes turned my way.

“You would do it for me if Nova was in Levi’s position, baja.”

“I would,” I agreed. “I hurt you deeply before when I stole her, but I would give my life for hers, Kol. Thank you for helping me rescue my mate.”

“Do not offer me or the others any more thanks. We’re your brothers, and Levi is our sister-in-mate … We would stand by your side against Kuat to get her back.”

“I know you would,” I said. “I’m just wondering why this has happened at all. The seer who came to see me recently, he did not mention this. He said I would have a happy life. This is far from happy.”

“A seer’s sight works in mysterious ways. Perhaps he had not seen this event unfold because the male who abducted your mate made a last-minute decision to do it. Or maybe he saw it and knew the outcome was a good one.”

“Perhaps.” I sighed. “I suppose wondering on it now makes no difference.”