Page 21 of Forgetting You

“No, she’s alive,” Ma sniffled. “She’s awake, but somethin’ awful is wrong with her.”

She was alive. I could have vomited with relief. Whatever was wrong with Noah didn’t matter because she was alive. I wasn’t going to bury her like I’d had to do with Bailey. She was alive.

“What is it?” I demanded. “Is she paralysed?”

“No, physically she’s fine. It’s her mind, honey.”

“Her mind?” My frowned deepened. “What the devil d’ye mean, Ma?”

“She can’t remember anythin’.” Ma began to cry. “She thinks it’s 2015. Samantha and John are so worried.”

I tried to digest my mother’s words, but it seemed too far-fetched to be real. I shook my head, trying my best to clear it so I could think. I repeated what my mother had said in my head before I spoke out loud.

“2015?” I said, feeling bewildered. “You’re tellin’ me that Noah can’t remember the last five years of her life? She thinks she’s twenty-four again?”

“Amnesia,” AJ muttered, lowering his arms. “She has amnesia.”

“Worse than that. She thinks you’re still her boyfriend, she had no idea John was sick . . . she doesn’t know about the accident that killed . . . that took our Bailey and almost her too. She doesn’t even know her own husband. She’s doesn’t know about anythin’ and she’s really, really scared. She’s askin’ for you, honey. Samantha and John need ye to go to King’s College Hospital. Noah needs ye, Elliot. Will ye go to her?”

“I’m comin’,” I said as I looked at AJ, who gave me a nod. “I’m comin’ to her, Ma.”

I wasn’t sure who hung up first, me or my mother, and I didn’t care.

“My car’s outside, Irish,” AJ said as he jogged after me. “I’ll get you to Noah in twenty minutes, brother.”

I didn’t answer him or acknowledge what he said in any way. The only person on my mind was Noah – she was hurt, and she needed me. That was all that mattered. I forced all of the scary thoughts of what might happen to her out of my head and focused on the sweet memory that began it all. The moment she became mine without even realising it.



Eighteen years old . . .

“Fifty quid says you puke on her instead of kissing her.”

I cut AJ a look before I returned my gaze to Noah. She sat across from me at the bonfire looking like a goddess under the orange glow of the flames. She wasn’t wearing anything special – blue jeans, a baggy black hoodie and a pair of roughed-up black runners. Her golden locks were pulled up into a ponytail, and wisps of golden-blonde hair hung down around her face as a gentle breeze flowed by.

“I’m shittin’ meself.” I rubbed my sweaty palms on my jeans. “What if she laughs in me face?”

“Mate,” AJ sighed as he passed me a can of cider. “I know women, okay? Trust me. Noah likes you.”

I didn’t respond but I couldn’t stop my heart from leaping at his words. He’d known I was into Noah before I said the words out loud, and a huge part of me wanted to trust his intuition that Noah liked me too, but my stomach was a mess of nerves and I refused to allow myself to hope. I had been playing it cool around her since the moment I first met her, and if she knew what went on inside my head when I thought of her, she’d probably shove her foot up my arse.

“The suspense is killing me and I’m just a bystander,” AJ snickered as he took a swig of his drink. “Go over there and kiss her.”

My eyes slid to his as I scowled. “I can’t just kiss her, ye eejit.”

AJ hesitated a moment, then said, “Ask her permission first, then kiss her.”

“That’s a bit better,” I snorted, shaking my head. “Look, I’m just gonna go and speak to her and ease that I’m interested in her into the conversation. I’m thinkin’ practically. Kissin’ is like the fifth step or somethin’.”

AJ downed his cider and crushed his can in his fist.

“That’s your problem – you think too much.”

“Says the man who thinks too little.”

He punched my arm and I laughed. I felt eyes on me in that moment, and my gut told me they were the colour of emerald and jade. I turned my gaze towards Noah, and when our eyes locked I saw that she visibly flinched, but she didn’t look away from me. I realised that this was my moment to speak to her and tell her how I felt. I lifted my hand and crooked my finger at her. Her eyes widened ever so slightly and I felt my lips twitch, and I nodded when she pointed to her chest and mouthed the word “Me?”

“Good luck, bud,” AJ murmured as he got to his feet and jogged around to the seat on the log that Noah had vacated. He got stuck into chatting up some girls from our year and forgot all about me. I forgot about him too when my eyes moved back to Noah as she came over and sat in the spot AJ had just left.