The adults come in next. As usual, Julian has one arm draped around Nora, holding her against him as if afraid she might run away. Lucas is more circumspect with Yulia, but given the wet pattern on both of their jackets, it’s clear they’ve been rolling in the snow—and I can only hope it was out of the kids’ sight.

Charlie, being an intrepid explorer of all and sundry, has already come upon them “playing doctor” in their gym in Cyprus once.

Either way, I’m pleased they’re all here. While Peter and I visit the Esguerras semi-regularly, Yulia’s been so busy with her restaurants that I’ve only seen her twice this year. Luckily, little Bella Kent is not-so-secretly obsessed with our Charlie—who claims to hate her but never passes up a chance to get her attention—so Lucas and Yulia had no choice but to show up for Maya’s birthday party.

Their beautiful blond angel of a daughter would’ve puppy-eyed them to death otherwise.

Walking over, I greet Nora and Yulia with a hug. Then we all gather around the cake next to our children, and as Maya blows out her candles, I meet Peter’s gaze and make my own wish.

I want him to torment me like this forever—to love me with all the darkness in his heart.

The End