Page 71 of Insatiable

Joe gave her a nudge. “Go on.”

She took a tentative step closer. There was nothing tentative about Damien’s actions, though. He strode toward her, not stopping until he’d pulled her into his arms and caught her mouth in a hot, searing kiss.

She melted into him, stunned, filled with joy, kissing him again and again. Oblivious to everyone around them, including her brothers, who were probably hovering protectively behind her, she wrapped her arms around his neck, pressed hard against him, proclaiming with each hungry kiss how much she’d missed him.

She’d left for what she’d believed were the right reasons, but in this moment, she couldn’t remember what those reasons were. When Damien held her, nothing else mattered except him. Them.

Finally, a throat-clearing sound intruded. She made herself end the kiss. But she stayed close to him, her arm around his waist, as his was around hers. Addressing her brothers, she said, “Everyone, I’d like you to meet...”

“Wait, lemme guess,” Aidan said. His eyes alight with mischief, he stuck out his hand. “Danny Zuko, I presume?”

The comment reminded Viv of Damien’s strange outfit. Stepping away, she studied him, top to bottom, and then started to giggle. Because she suspected Aidan was right.

Seeing Damien Black, international businessman, suave billionaire, dressed up as a 50s greaser in a hotel where everyone else was wearing normal clothing, tickled every funny bone in Viv’s body. She began to giggle, then to laugh merrily.

“I was under the impression this was a costume party,” Damien said, his jaw tight. He stared at her. “Where’s the black leather and the chick fro?”

“I said my idiot brother wanted us to have a Grease-themed costume party. Not that we were stupid enough to actually do it.” She reached up and slid her fingers through his slicked hair. “Though I must admit, the duck’s-ass do suits you.”

Others in the lobby—the staff, a few early guests and her obnoxious siblings—all started to chuckle. And within a second, Damien did, too. That handsome face softened, his devastating dimple appeared and he couldn’t contain a smile.

Drawing her into his arms again, he murmured, “If you ever tell anyone about this...”

“Are you kidding? The photographer’s been snapping away for the last five minutes.”

He quickly scanned the lobby, trying to spy said cameraman. Viv took pity and said, “Gotcha.”

“You’re a vixen, Vivienne Callahan.”

“So I’ve been told.”

They kissed again, but this time, when they parted, Damien said, “Can we go somewhere to talk for a few minutes?”

She glanced at her brothers, all of whom wore approving expressions. She imagined they liked a guy who’d make himself look like an idiot for the woman he loved—their sister.

At least...she hoped that’s what he was doing here. Coming to admit he loved her. If he did, well, she suspected she could get over all the other issues and just let him.

Promising the others they’d be at the party soon, she led Damien upstairs to the room she’d booked for the night. With its two uncomfortably hard double beds, it was as drastic a departure from the penthouse as was possible.

“I can’t believe you came.”

He cupped her face in his hands. “I can’t believe you left.”

Licking her lips, she replied, “I had to.”

“For my sake?” He shook his head and tsked. “Do me a favor, would you? Don’t ever run away because you think you need to protect me. And God, don’t ever do it because Sylvia taunts you into it.”

“She didn’t taunt me,” Viv explained. “I didn’t run because I was afraid or because of her name-calling.”

He stiffened at that, but she didn’t pause to explain.

“She just pointed out how different we are.”

“No, we’re exactly the same,” he insisted. “Bad and wicked, maybe. But still two people who are perfect together.”

“When she mentioned the difficulties you were having because of me, I couldn’t stand it. The last thing I would ever want is to cause you problems with your family, your business...the team.”

He scraped his lips across hers again. “The only difficulties you cause me are a perpetual hard-on and this strange ache in my chest that could be heartburn or could be crazy, once-in-a-lifetime love.”

Viv blinked rapidly, trying to make sure she’d heard correctly. “What?”

“I love you,” he said, his voice unwavering, as if reading her mind and seeing what she most wanted to hear. “I really, truly, with all my heart, love you, Viv.”