“I’m glad you like it.”

I tuck her hair behind her ears. “I love it. I love you. This doesn’t even feel real. I have to be in some long, elaborate dream because there’s no way I’m this lucky.” I twist my fingers into her hair. I can’t explain how I feel at this moment, but it’s almost like I could run to the top of a mountain, jump off, and land on my feet. I feel—powerful. Invincible.

She digs her nails into my hip, twisting painfully. “Ouch,” I yell. “What was that for?”

“So you know you’re not dreaming,” she sings.

“You could have just kissed me.”

“Mm, I didn’t think of that.”

“You can still kiss me,” I whisper as I bring my face close to hers. She closes the last inch of space, pushing her lips hard against mine. She licks at my bottom lip and I suck her tongue into my mouth, kissing her back with equal force.

She pulls back, breathless. “You have to use it. The pick, I mean. Play for me.”

I reach behind me and grab Guy’s acoustic. “What do you want to hear?”

Chapter 34


“I really don’t want to go to this party tonight,” I insist. “If you loved me at all you wouldn’t make me.”

Guy sighs loudly. “Then I guess I don’t love you ‘cause you’re going,” he says flatly. “It’s two hours for two hundred bucks. Shut the hell up and suck it up. This will be good for us.”

I cross my arms over my chest and stare out the windshield. “You do understand that the entire football team will be there. Right? You know, the dudes that make your life a living hell? The same dudes that harass you every single day at school?” I eye him in the rearview mirror, wanting to point out that one of those people did something to Annie, but unable to state it with her sitting right beside him. “Everybody we hate.”

“I don’t give a shit about them.”

“You will when they mess with us,” I mumble. This is seriously not how I want to be spending the night. I’d rather be alone with Mason, snuggled up on the couch watching a bad scary movie and munching on candy.

“What’s taking so long?” Guy asks changing the subject.

“Mason had to take Kellin over to the neighbor’s house. His text said he’d be out in a minute. Keep your panties on.”

“I don’t wanna be late. How will that look?”

“Like I don’t give a shit, which I do not,” I say and Annie laughs. Guy shoots her a dark look. She tucks her lips and raises her eyebrows, but doesn’t comment.

“I want to at least appear professional seeing as how we are getting paid,” he states.

“Well, we’re not professionals,” I counter. “And if you don’t stop bitching I will turn around and take us back home.” He leans back and runs a hand through his hair.

Mason opens the door and plops heavily onto the seat beside me. He places a kiss on my cheek and a candy bracelet in my hand. I smile, pushing it onto my wrist. Could he be any more perfect for me? I think not.

“Awe. That’s sweet, Mason,” Annie squeals. “Is there more of you? I want one.”

“Kellin’s taken,” I say.

“Yeah, I’m not a cradle robber anyway,” she replies. “Have they perfected that whole cloning thing yet?”

Mason chuckles and shakes his head. Guy rolls his eyes. “Can we go?”

“What did I say about your bitchiness?” I hiss. “This car is only big enough for one of us and with Annie filling that spot you need to knock it off.”

“Hey!” Annie protests. “I am not being a bitch!”

“Yet,” Guy and I say at the same time. I smirk at him in the mirror and he smiles back, his body noticeably relaxing.

“I don’t know why I hang out with you guys. You’re always so mean to me.” She frowns and turns her body toward the window.

“Yeah, I don’t know why you insist on hanging out with us either,” I say as I back out of Mason’s driveway. He and Guy laugh and Annie glares at me. I blow her a kiss and she flips me off.

“I can feel the love in this car,” Mason laughs.

“Guy already made it clear he no longer loves me,” I explain matter-of-factly. “And as you know, Annie’s a bitch. But I love you.”

“I love you too,” he says. He grabs my hand and squeezes it.

“Oh. My. GOD!” Annie’s eyes are wide as she sits forward, grabbing the back of the bench seat. “Did you…did you just say you love him?”

My eyes flick back and forth, from the mirror to the road. “Uh…yeah. I did.” I know I’ve had this thing about love and relationships and commitment, but is it necessary for her to freak out like this?

She peers suspiciously at Mason. “What kind of black magic have you performed?”

He grins at her and Guy coughs to cover his laugh. His lips twitch ridiculously as he fights the smile that wants to form. “Well, I am a warlock,” Mason agrees, eying me conspiratorially. “But I just used my natural charisma on her. She fell for it hook, line, and sinker.”

I shrug. “Actually, it’s the candy.” I hold up my arm, shaking the bracelet as proof.

“Jesus, Hope,” Guy says, his voice exasperated. “I’m gonna have to break out those kindergarten videos again. You never, ever, take candy from strangers!”

“I believe you introduced us before I gave her candy,” Mason corrects.

“Yeah, by like, five minutes,” Guy replies.

“You’re kinda like a candy slut,” Annie says to me, winking into the mirror.

I smile widely. “I regret nothing.”

Mason squeezes my hand again. I glance at him and he brings my fingers to his mouth, skimming his lips across the knuckles. “Me neither.”

Guy presses a fist against his mouth and makes a gagging noise. “Shut up,” Annie scolds him. “I think it’s adorable now that I know it’s more than a booty call.” She brings her head up over the seat between me and Mason. “Have you done the whole booty part?”

“Ugh. Ew, Annie. None of your business.” I smack at her until she sits back. Mason just smirks, completely amused.

“You did! Ohmygod! You really are a slut. You lost your V card for candy.”

My mouth falls open. “I did not lose my V card for candy! I love him.”

“What?” Guy chokes. My eyes meet his in the mirror and I flinch at the betrayal I find there. “You didn’t tell me.” His head turns slowly to regard Mason. “You promised me you would take care of her. That was not the way I thought you meant.” He shakes his head at Mason’s raised brow. “She’s like my sister. You couldn’t manage to keep it in your pants longer than a few weeks?”

“Hey! Stop it,” I nearly shout. “Don’t be an ass. I didn’t freak out when you lost your virginity. Or when you sleep with anything that has a penis. It was my choice. He didn’t even want—” I pause because this is none of their business. “I love him, Guy. I’m happy. That’s all that should matter.”

His expression softens and he presses two fingers into each temple. “I know. You’re right. It does matter. I love that you’re happy and I know it’s because of him. I was just surprised. I can’t believe you didn’t tell me something that big. You said you wouldn’t keep things from me anymore.”

“This is different,” I murmur. It really is different. The cutting was mine alone. Mason... It’s like all these years I spent so desensitized to love and men, I was just waiting for him. I don’t want to share this feeling with anyone but him. It’s special. It’s ours. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you.”

Guy stares at me for several seconds before rolling his eyes. “I do not sleep with anything that has a penis.” He points at Mason. “Case in point.” I smile at his easy acceptance and obvious subject change.

Mason laughs and grins at me. He brushes the hair off my shoulder and leans close to my ear. “Just so you know—I don’t do anything I don’t want to. I wanted to make love to you that night. Badly. Every day, from the moment I first saw you in that Beatles shirt, and every day since.”

I glance at him, biting my lip. “But you said—”

“I said I wanted it to be special,” he whispers, his breath tickling my neck. “I never said I didn’t want to. I just want to clear that up. Don’t ever think I haven’t wanted you desperately every second I’ve known you.” He bites my shoulder gently and I shiver. Stifling a moan. I really, really, really do not want to go to this party.

Warren Grant lives in a large two story house. There are two other cars parked in the driveway and a pink bike lies on its side in the freshly mowed lawn. Brightly colored, helium filled balloons are tied to the mailbox and Guy beams as he flicks one. “Nice.”

“You’ve gotta love these kick ass middle school parties,” Annie says with an irritated roll of her eyes. “Maybe if we’re lucky there’ll be a thrilling game of spin the bottle.”

Park pulls in behind Neko and I drag Mason back as Guy rings the doorbell. “No fighting tonight.”

He kisses me, a quick peck that makes my stomach clench, wanting more. “I know.”

“Promise,” I add.

One side of his mouth lifts slightly. “I promise.” He puts his hand over his heart and pecks me again. “I’ll be expecting a reward for my good behavior, though.”

My brows shoot up. “What did you have in mind?”

He shoves his hands into his pockets and turns on his heels. “I’m sure we can agree on a mutually beneficial arrangement.”

Oh, I know we can. Damn this party.

“Hey, come on in,” Warren says, opening the screen door wide. “My mom’s still here, so be cool.”

“I like your balloons,” Guy mocks. “Festive. Please tell me there’s crate paper and pointy hats.”

Warren replies by scratching his nose with his middle finger.

“I like the hats,” I say. “Oh, will there be cake?”

Warren smiles and puts his arm around my shoulder. “My mom made cupcakes. I think there’s some frosting left over. We can go upstairs later—”

Mason tugs me away from Warren, sending him a warning glare. “What the hell, man?”

“Oh.” Warren holds his hands up. “You two,” he points his finger from me to Mason, “got a thing?”

“She’s my girlfriend,” Mason says clearly.

“S’cool, dude. I didn’t know.” He looks over my head at Annie and nods. “What’s up, Beautiful?”

“Ug.” Annie swallows and looks away. She wiggles her fingers in a quick hello and mouths, “Help.”

I let my hair fall over my face as I suppress a snort. “Park, dude, how’s it going?” Warren calls and leans between Annie and I to do the whole fist-bump-guy-thing.

“Hey, man. Where do we set up?” Park’s bloodshot eyes bounce to me then away.

“I was thinking living room,” Warren tells him. “I cleared a whole wall. You should have plenty of room.”

“Lead the way,” Park says nodding. His gaze flips back to me and he gives me a goofy smile as his eyebrows jump.

Warren introduces us to his mom, stepdad, and a younger sister. The stepdad forks over four fifties before they leave and Guy is humming with excited energy.

“Let’s get this party started,” Chase sings, dancing into the room with a bottle in each hand.

“That’s what I’m talking about,” Annie says. She relieves him of one bottle and pulls me into the kitchen to search out shot glasses while the boys set the equipment up. “Tonight I am getting frat girl drunk. It’s the only way I’ll be able to deal with my awesome friends.”