"Book 'em Danno in the Mission," Charlie said, pulling his cell phone out of his jacket pocket. "That can't be ten minutes away. I think the owner is one of us. "

Sophie was fine, feeding Cheese Newts to the hellhounds with Mrs. Korjev. She asked Charlie if he needed any help and he teared up and had to get control of his voice before he answered.

Seven minutes later they were parked crossways in the middle of Valencia Street, watching fire trucks blasting water into the second story of the building that housed Book 'em Danno. They got out of the car and Rivera showed his badge to the police officer who had been first on the scene.

"Fire crews can't get in," the cop said. "There's a heavy steel fire door in the back and those shutters must be quarter-inch steel or more. "

The security shutters were bowed outward and had thousands of small bumps all over them.

"What happened?" Rivera asked.

"We don't know yet," said the cop. "Neighbors reported an explosion and that's all we know so far. No one lived upstairs. We've evacuated all the adjacent buildings. "

"Thanks," Rivera said. He looked at Charlie, raised an eyebrow.

"The Fillmore," Charlie said. "A pawnshop at Fulton and Fillmore. "

"Let's go," Rivera said, taking Charlie's arm to help speed-limp him to the car.

"So I'm not a suspect anymore?" Charlie asked.

"We'll see if you live," Rivera said, opening the car door.

Once in the car, Charlie called his sister. "Jane, I need you to go get Sophie and the puppies and take them to your place. "

"Sure, Charlie, but we just had the carpets cleaned - Alvin and - "

"Do not separate Sophie and the hellhounds for one second, Jane, do you understand?"

"Jeez, Charlie. Sure. "

"I mean it. She may be in danger and they'll protect her. "

"What's going on? Do you want me to call the cops?"

"I'm with the cops, Jane. Please, go get Sophie right now. "

"I'm leaving now. How am I going to get them all into my Subaru?"

"You'll figure it out. If you have to, tie Alvin and Mohammed to the bumper and drive slowly. "

"That's horrible, Charlie. "

"No, it's not. They'll be fine. "

"No, I mean they tore my bumper off last time I did that. It cost six hundred bucks to fix. "

"Go get her. I'll call you in an hour. " Charlie disconnected.

Well, claymores suck, I can tell you that," said Babd. "I used to like the big sword claymore, but now. . . now they have to make them all splody and full of - what do you call that stuff, Nemain?"

"Shrapnel. "

"Shrapnel," said Babd. "I was just starting to feel like my old self - "

"Shut up!" barked Macha.

"But it hurts," said Babd.