A truly liberating experience.

But now was not the time to dwell on the delightful memories, especially with Nikki spoiling for a fight while Blake and Abigail sat at either end of the big dining-room table. Because everyone was waiting for her answer, all eyes currently assessing Jax, Nikki’s expectant, Abigail’s unconcerned and Blake’s...

Well, Blake, damn him. He had the audacity to look amused.

All Jax wanted was to get through her dinner in relative peace.

“Don’t start holding back now, Jax,” Blake said smoothly. The light in his eyes left her with an overwhelming urge to stick her tongue out at him. “I’d love to hear your version.”

She shot him a look she hoped went unnoticed by his family. “Shall I mention the thumbscrews?” she said, her tone falsely light.

Blake’s eyes crinkled in the corners. “By all means. And don’t forget the rack, either.”

The rack brought to mind Blake pinning her to his desk....

Jax forced herself to focus.

“Let me guess,” Nikki went on as if to save Jax the trouble. “He dusted off the old you’re-going-to-regret-this-later phrase and then gave you a condescending pat on the head with an authoritative air.”

Jax’s heart sank a little lower, and she wondered why Nikki seemed intent on the conversation now. She’d had all afternoon to discuss the meeting with Jax. In truth, there was only one conclusion: while raking her brother over the coals, Nikki preferred an audience.

Probably in an attempt to give Blake’s never-let-’em-see-you-ruffled style a real workout.

At first she’d viewed Blake solely from Nikki’s point of view, feeling defensive on the kindred spirit’s behalf. But, despite her growing affection for the fun-loving brunette, Jax was fast learning that Nikki never missed an opportunity to goad her brother.

And Jax suspected Nikki provoked Blake just to see him raise that cool, authoritarian head in response.

The relationship ruts these two had dug appeared too deep to ever allow escape to a better way.

“So how did the conversation go?” Nikki said.

Jax bit the corner of her lip, looking to soothe the waters. “After a little bit of a debate—” a debate involving who was the one who got to be on top the next time they made love on his desk “—we...” Jax cleared her throat. “We reached an agreement.”

No need to clarify that their accord involved whose bed they’d make love in tonight. And the sense of freedom to enjoy the man’s sexy company, without worrying about her past, was heavenly.

“I’m surprised. My brother doesn’t usually reach agreements,” Nikki said with an edge of resentment. “Mostly he just dispenses judgment and hands out sentences.”

There was a slight pause, as if Nikki knew she’d gone too far.

“Nikki, regardless of how you feel about me—” Blake’s tone was carefully even “—Jax is a guest in our home. And she deserves a tranquil dinnertime atmosphere.”

A frown appeared on Nikki’s face as she shot Jax an apologetic look. “I’m sorry you got dragged into our dysfunctional relationship.”

Blake’s mother finally entered into the conversation. “Ridiculous, Nikki,” Abigail said, gleefully untroubled by the tension. “The dysfunctional family is just part and parcel of the American dream. You know, like baseball, apple pie and polarizing politics.” The lines bracketing her eyes shifted with triumph. “And, Jax, I forgot to tell you earlier. I contacted my friend Franklin about our funding problem.”

At the words our problem, a phrase that made her feel less alone, Jax’s heart melted a touch. The natural way the family was including her was growing harder to resist. Even the siblings squabbling felt surprisingly...homey.

Jax fought the urge to melt into complete mush as she looked around the table at Blake, his sister and the endearingly eccentric Abigail.

“We might not have accomplished everything I’d wanted with the protest,” Blake’s mother said as she patted Jax’s hand, and Jax steeled herself against the surge of heartwarming emotion. “But we are not a one-trick-pony show. I am woman, hear me roar, and all that jazz,” she said as she carelessly waved her fork in the air. “I have several more ideas up my sleeves.”