With an overwhelming sense of freedom, she peeled off her shirt, baring her abdomen in all its horrific glory, and tossed Aretha aside. “I have plans for cocktails and a lecture on subversive protesting technique with your mother at four.”

With a frown, he took her lips in another mind-melting, do-as-I-say, openmouthed kiss that communicated that, this time, he was calling all the shots.

This was the bossy side she could never get enough of....

He pulled back, his eyes made of steel. “No subversive protests.”

“Okay,” she said, shucking her panties with a shimmy of her hips, stepping out of the lace and kicking it aside. “I’ll just humor her and pretend to take notes.”

He cupped her breasts together and brought his mouth down, impatiently consuming her nipples with his mouth, teeth and tongue. Darts of desire skimmed along her veins, and she arched helplessly against him.

Need made her mind spin as she skimmed her hands across the well-defined muscles in his arms and his deliciously cut chest. She unfastened his pants, pushing them and his briefs to the floor. “As far as Nikki is concerned—” she was already panting in anticipation when she made the mistake of dropping her gaze, and the next thing she knew she was staring at his erection “—we have about an hour.”

Which, with the way her body was throbbing, felt wholly inadequate.

He gripped her hips and hauled her against his hot, naked and very aroused shaft, and her body nearly belted out a tune. “How do you figure that?” he said.

“’Cuz that’s how long she said she’d wait before coming to look for my dead body,” she said as she tipped her right toe against her left heel, ready to slip off a boot.

“Wait,” he ordered, and panic paralyzed her.

Her heart racing, fear sluiced through Jax even as her veins hummed with pleasure at his hard length, ramping up her pulse to astronomical rates. Fear that he’d suddenly come to his senses and remember she wasn’t the kind of woman he wanted in his life. Worried the reminder of her actions today had thoroughly doused his desire. Terrified that the visible evidence of her turbulent mind-set of long ago was too much for him to deal with.

And God help her, she was desperate to have him take her body.

Gaze burning into hers, voice gruff, he said, “I’m going to make love to you while you wear nothing but those cowboy boots.”

Relief swamped her, and she exhaled in a rush. “Jeez, Blake,” she said, twining her arms around his neck, “I thought you were going to say you just remembered you had an appointment and needed to leave.”

His voice harsh, he said, “Absolutely not.”

And the searing kiss that followed sent her senses skyrocketing

He trailed hot kisses across her cheek and down her neck, scraping his teeth across her pulse as he gripped her butt and hauled her up onto his desk. The cool wood couldn’t overcome the heat between her legs, and she shifted impatiently as Blake retrieved his wallet from the desk, pulling out a condom.

“Right now...” Eyes burning, he sheathed himself in latex. “There’s nothing I need more than you.”

The words were the sweetest she’d ever heard. “Does this mean I can permanently disregard the no-kissing clause?” she said, feigning innocence.

He tugged on her knees, positioning her thighs for his body. “I’m burning the damn contract,” he muttered darkly, and then he took her with a commanding thrust.


“So what did my big brother have to say to you in his office earlier today?” Nikki said as she spooned glazed vegetables onto her plate. Blake sat at the head of the dining room table, and Nikki shot him a surreptitious look. “Did he give you his lecture on consequences, like he did me?” Nikki said drily. “Or did he simply tell you that you were ruining your life?”

Across the table from Nikki, Jax shifted in her seat, uncomfortable with Nikki’s tone and topic of conversation. Somehow she didn’t think Blake’s “I’m going to make love to you while you wear nothing but those cowboy boots” was an appropriate response. Though God knew Jax had loved every second of being so thoroughly dominated, the life-changing moment completely minus the kid gloves he’d used their first night together.