“Okay,” he said, his voice rough. “But this time we do this in a bed. And you’re on top.”

“Every woman’s dream, I’m sure,” she murmured. “But I was kind of hoping my first time I could just relax and enjoy the ride, so to speak.”

He ignored her horrible attempt at humor, clearly oblivious to the fact that she wasn’t kidding. His gray eyes radiated an insistance that, this time, she would follow his directions.

“You’re on top,” he repeated. “That way you control the moment. Keep it more comfortable.”

She bit her lower lip, considering her options.

And then his face softened, as if he suddenly clued in to her dilemma. “I can still guide you.”

Two heartbeats later, she managed to respond. “Okay,” she said. “Count me in.”

The desire that flashed through his eyes was fierce, and he reached for the hem of her pajama top. Instinctively, she placed her hand on her shirt, thwarting his attempt.

“But the top stays on,” she said.

The pause that followed was long.

She could see the question in his eyes. She’d reveal the complete truth later, but right now she also couldn’t risk another round of explanations. A second too-close-to-the-bone discovery would kill the moment for good. And if she didn’t get to finish what she’d started with Blake, and soon, she just might die of want.

“The shirt stays on,” she repeated in her best matter-of-fact tone.

Eyes dark, he ran a finger up along the curve of her breast, her damp shirt plastered to her skin, and her heart thudded hard.

“Wet shirts are fine by me,” he murmured, and then his face grew concerned. “But I have to get a condom from my pants pocket.”

“I have a couple on my nightstand.” As his brow crinkled in surprise, she said, “I was hoping you’d break the no-kissing rule eventually.”

His expression settled into one of pure desire. “Oh...” He tugged the towel from her waist, and it slipped to the floor. “That’s one of many rules I’ll enjoy breaking.”

The mind-melting thrill resurfaced, and he linked his fingers with hers, leading her down the hall and into the bedroom. He shed his briefs and stretched out on the bed, his naked body lit by the light of the moon.

She’d died and gone to heaven for sure.

A touch of nerves returned, but, eyes on Blake, taking comfort in his gaze, Jax straddled his hips. “Careful, Suit,” she said as she ran her hands up his muscular torso, relishing the hard feel. “First it’s the no-kissing rule. Next you’ll be running red lights at night when no one is looking.”

But it was that sense of responsibility that made him perfect for her first time. She knew he was dedicated to making things right again.

Bracing her hands on his chest, she leaned in for a kiss. The lips that fascinated her moved firmly beneath her mouth even as he let her set the pace. But the tongue that rasped against hers spoke of a barely leashed restraint, hinting at the fire to come. He tasted of desire. Of need. A sensual mix of moist heat and hard lips. Hands cupping her breasts, he began to rake his thumb across the tips over and over, as if to prime her body, and she moaned, already wet from their aborted first attempt. And growing needlessly wetter from the profound pleasure.

“You don’t look confused by your feelings,” he murmured against her mouth.

Still engaged with his, her lips quirked at the reminder of her words on the boat. “I’m not.”

In response, he raked her nipples harder, making her groan.

Eyes dark, he pulled his mouth away. “But are you outraged by my touch on your chaste skin?”

“Yes, I am,” she whispered. His hands working their magic, the heat between her legs grew hotter. Demanding release. “I’m pissed off because you aren’t going fast enough.”

With a low chuckle, he raised his head and took a nipple in his mouth. The stab of pleasure was fierce, and Jax arched her back, crying out.

He suckled her through the shirt, until she grew desperate, and Jax fumbled for the condom on the bedside table. Blake relieved her of the packet, sheathing himself in latex.

And then he folded his arms behind his head. “This is my first time with a first-timer.”