Stefan stood and extended his hand. “I’m Stefan Alexander.  How’s my brother?”

The doctor shook his hand. “I know who you are, Prince  Alexander. I’m happy to tell you that your brother made it through the surgery  better than any of my colleagues or I thought he would. We will be keeping a  close watch on him, but even in his drug-induced coma, he’s responding to us  being in the room.”

Hearing such positive news had Stefan expelling a breath he’d  been holding for quite some time.

“So where do we go from here?” he asked.

“Well, I think it’s good that you’re all here. He needs  strength and support from his loved ones to encourage him. I can let you visit,  but only one at a time and not for very long.”

Stefan nodded. “I understand. When do you believe he’ll wake  up?”

“That really depends on the swelling, when we will back off the  meds, and how his vitals are when we try to bring him back from the coma. This  could be a long process, but right now all we can do is pray and hope he’ll  fight the rest of the way.”

Stefan had no doubt his brother would do just that. “Thank you,  Doctor.”

“Go see him,” Stefan urged Karina. “Tell him your news and give  him something to fight for.”

Karina smiled. “You think I should tell him before he wakes  up?”

“Absolutely.” He leaned in, kissed her damp cheek. “Go on.  We’ll be here.”

She all but ran down the hall, and Stefan sank to the sofa.  Scared, helpless, yet optimistic, he really had no idea how to feel or what to  do next. He just wanted his vibrant brother to be up on his feet and celebrating  the good news of the baby.

“She’s pregnant, isn’t she?” Victoria asked, sitting beside  him.


“Bless her heart. I can’t imagine how scared she must be.” She  rested her delicate hand, the one that held his diamond ring and wedding band,  on his leg. “What can I do for you?”

Stefan wrapped an arm around her, pulling her against his side.  “Be here. Don’t leave me.”

She tilted her head to look up into his eyes. “Stefan, even if  we weren’t married I would’ve dropped everything to be with you.”

And he knew in his heart she meant that. Which made her  invaluable and precious. He’d always known she was the best thing in his life,  but now he knew he couldn’t get through another trying time without her. Yet if  he couldn’t commit to loving her the way she deserved, what did that possibly  mean for their future?


“Can you tell us about your brother, Prince Stefan?”

“Is he going to pull through?”

“Was this an accident or a suicide attempt?”

That last question from the slam of paparazzi stopped Stefan cold outside the hospital as he and Victoria were trying to make their way to his car waiting at the curb.

“Excuse me!” Victoria shouted with her hands up. “But my brother-in-law is in there fighting for his life. We request that you respect our family’s privacy. There will be a formal announcement on his prognosis later, but for now you can put on record that this was in no way a suicide attempt. We would appreciate if you would get facts straight before going to print.”

Victoria looped her arm through his as she led the way, plowing past the flashbulbs and reporters screaming questions. Thank God she was experienced in handling the media circus. Being one of the famous Hollywood Danes, she was no stranger to the chaos.

She held tight to his arm as she pushed through the crowd and slid into the awaiting car. Before another question could be shouted their way, his driver slammed the door to the busybodies.

“They’ve never known the meaning of the word privacy,” Victoria muttered. “I’m sorry.”

“You’re apologizing after that?” he asked, turning to look at her. “I can’t thank you enough for handling that mess.”

“That suicide comment was uncalled for.”

He shifted, staring straight ahead. “Yes, it was. But you handled it beautifully.”

“I hope it was okay that I mentioned a formal announcement later. I just assumed...”

Stefan glanced over to her as she closed her eyes and rested her head against the back of the seat. She was exhausted. Only yesterday she’d put in nearly twelve hours designing, then they’d made love until well after midnight and had woken up at five in the morning to fly to Greece. He was tired, but she was exhausted. He’d had his adrenaline to keep him pumping forward, but he had no clue what she was running on.