Well, damn. Victoria hadn’t come right out and said she loved him, but the implication was there. God, he couldn’t do love, had never wanted to. So how the hell had he allowed this to happen? He’d told Tori going in that this wasn’t about love, that the marriage was only about his country.

Why had she done this to herself and how had he not seen this coming?


“Guess I had my first emotional breakdown.”

Victoria sat on the simple white bench across from the guest bath where Stefan had showered after his early morning run. They hadn’t spoken since her crying jag last night. He’d never come to bed and she assumed he’d slept in the spare room, but she couldn’t go on with all this tension inside her body or her home.

“I guess so,” he replied.

Stefan leaned against the door frame, all tanned and gloriously misty from the shower. One crisp white towel sat low on his hips, and he’d draped another around his neck. Muscles covered with beautiful tattooed artwork stared back at her, mocking her. No matter her heart’s emotions, her body wanted him and instantly responded.

“I’m sorry about yesterday,” she told him, bringing her eyes back up to his face. “Seeing Alex threw me off.”

Stefan’s dark brows drew together. “Why be sorry?”

Victoria resisted the urge to look down at the floor. Instead she tilted her chin, held his gaze and shook her head. “Because I made you uncomfortable.”

The muscle in his jaw clenched, and she knew he was still uncomfortable. Was it just Alex’s presence and her emotional breakdown that had made him ill at ease, or was it more? Had he heard what she’d said about their relationship?

The implications of her outburst to Alex were something Stefan was not ready for. She wasn’t even sure she was ready herself, but she could no longer control her feelings toward her husband. Her heart clenched as if trying to protect itself from the inevitable hurt that would surely consume her once they discussed what her emotions meant to their marriage.

Stefan walked toward her, squatted down between her legs and took her hands in his. “I just have a lot more to deal with than I first thought. I can’t take on more than protecting my country and gaining my title.”

“I know, and I didn’t mean to add to your worry.”

His gaze traveled down and settled into the V of her silk nightgown before coming back up to meet hers. Shivers raced through her. So she hadn’t completely scared him off.

But he let go of her hands, and that giant step back from intimacy spoke volumes. He was pulling away. Maybe the hurt would slither its evil way in sooner than she’d thought.

A chill crept over her.

Seduction had been on her mind when she’d dressed for bed last night, but he’d never come in, and now, catching him fresh from his shower, it seemed her efforts were moot. He was obviously having no part of her plan.

Was this how the rest of their marriage would play out? They’d dance around each other all because Stefan was afraid to confront her emotions—or his, for that matter? She didn’t believe for one second that he wasn’t feeling more for her. She did believe, however, that he was going to fight that feeling for as long as she’d allow it.

“Come back to bed with me,” she told him.

His eyes remained locked on hers. “I have some work to go over with Hector.”

The steel wall had been erected in a matter of seconds, and he was making no attempt to let her in. But in his defense, he’d told her up front this could be nothing more and like a damn fool she’d been on board with the preposterous plan.

Stefan came to his feet, the subtle movement sending his fresh masculine scent wafting around her, enveloping her, and she knew that’s as close as she’d come to being surrounded by her husband right now...and maybe for a while.

“Maybe I’ll see you for lunch. I have a lot to do so don’t wait on me.”

And with that, he headed down the hall.

* * *

Victoria wasn’t naive. She knew if Stefan could’ve gotten that title and crown any other way besides marriage, he would’ve jumped at that opportunity without question. But he couldn’t get around it and he did need her. No, he was not the marrying type, but he was the type who thrived on loyalty, honesty and integrity...all a good base for marriage and love.

Since she couldn’t actually say the words without him pulling back even more—if that were possible—all she could do was show him her love, show him they were meant to be.