Victoria turned around, amazed at the room spread out before her, and she laughed. This was his idea of a romantic wedding night? Stefan never failed to amaze and surprise her.

“If someone starts looking for us, they’d check my wing first,” Stefan told her. He slid off his jacket, flinging it to the side without taking his eyes off her as he stalked—yes, stalked—right toward her. “They’d never think to look in the theater.”

How many women had he snuck into this room or any other room in this magnificent palace, for that matter? She knew the media really exploited his bachelor status and the fact that he enjoyed women, but she also knew most of their accounts were accurate. Stefan never made any apologies for the man he was, and that’s perhaps why people loved him so much. He was honest to a fault and sinfully charming.

Past women didn’t matter to her. He was her husband now, and what he did before this moment was ridiculous for her to even entertain. She wasn’t a virgin, and they weren’t committing themselves to anything permanent. They were adults, best friends, and they were acting on these newfound sexual feelings. So why analyze it to death when there was one hot, sexy, aroused prince standing before her looking like he wanted to devour her? No woman would be stupid enough to turn that invitation down...especially from her own husband.

Wedding night or not, this would be one experience she’d never forget. She needed the awkwardness and doubts to get out of her mind because she wanted to concentrate on the here and now.

“You look beautiful.” He closed the gap between them, running a fingertip along her exposed collarbone. Shivers coursed through her at his provocative, simple touch. “The way this dress molds to your body makes me wonder if you could possibly fit anything between this satin and your skin.”

Her eyes roamed over his bronzed face and his heavy-lidded eyes as his finger continued to tickle its way back and forth across her collarbone, teasing her, tempting her. If one finger had that much of an impact on her senses, who knew what a full-bodied touch would do.

“I’m a designer,” she told him, reaching up to slide one button at a time through the hole of his dress shirt. “It’s my job to make things fit and create an illusion of perfection.”

His hands glided down her arms, slid to her hips and tugged her until she was pelvis to pelvis with him. Chills raced over her body, the promise of what was to come making her shiver.

“I’d say fitting won’t be a problem, and there’s no illusion.” His gaze dropped to her lips, to her breasts pressed against his chest and back up to her face. “There’s plenty of perfection without the tricks you may practice as a designer. I’ve known you for years, Tori, and there’s nothing imperfect about you.”

The attack on her mouth was fierce and oh so welcoming. The man knew what he wanted, and the fact that he wanted her made her feel alive again for the first time in months. Maybe that made her shallow, but she needed to feel beautiful, sexy and, yes, even needed.

Stefan may be her best friend, but right now she wasn’t having thoughts of friendship. Desire shot through her as she pressed her body against his.

How many times had she kissed him, hugged him? How could she have taken for granted such a hard body?

Victoria eased back, continuing her work on his shirt. Stefan slid her hands away and pulled it over his head, ignoring the last few buttons that weren’t undone.

That chest. She’d seen it many times before, but she hadn’t seen this fresh ink and his finely sculpted body in some time. Victoria glided her hands up over his chiseled abs and outlined the new tattoo over one of his pecs.

“How come every time I see you, you have new ink?” she murmured, tracing the detailed dragon.

“I like the art,” he said simply. “Let’s discuss tattoos later. How the hell do I get you out of this thing on your head and this dress without hurting one of us?”

Victoria laughed, thankful he’d lightened the mood. This is what she needed. The playful side of Stefan. The side that always made her smile. Of course, she had a feeling he’d be showing her another side that would make her smile even more in a minute.

She reached up, sliding several pins from her hair and placing them on the counter along the wall. After removing the diamond tiaralike headband and veil, she laid it out along the counter, as well.

She realized she was taking her time. In part she wanted this moment to last. But she also couldn’t help being a little afraid of where this epic step would take them.