Twin creases formed between Tremont’s heavy black brows and his eyes grew distant. This was the real Josh Tremont, she reminded herself. This was the man who cold-bloodedly bought information about Palmer Enterprises and used it to his advantage to underbid or outsupply their clients—bit by bit, year by year, eating away at their success.

“Good point,” he conceded. Before he could say any more, the waiter brought their plates. “Let’s leave this discussion until we’ve eaten, hmm? Wouldn’t want to spoil your appetite.”

Callie allowed herself a short laugh. “It’d take a lot more than conversation to spoil my appetite.”

“I’m pleased to hear it,” he smiled in return. “I enjoy a woman with healthy appetites.”

Callie froze; her fork halfway to her mouth. She had no doubt what appetites he was talking about. Again that image flashed before her eyes, this time though it was her body, her skin that he touched. And, as if he’d reached across the table and stroked his elegant hand across her shoulder and down, she felt her breasts grow full and heavy—her nipples beading into tight points, abrading the soft fabric of her bra.

She was relieved when he skilfully turned the conversation to more general matters while they ate, and she was surprised to find herself enjoying his sharp wit and broad opinions as they ranged across a variety of topics.

It was only after the waiter had cleared away their plates and delivered frothy cappuccinos that Callie began to relax. She picked up her teaspoon and scooped the chocolate off the froth of her coffee. She lifted it to her lips and her tongue darted out to savour the hint of wickedness—her favourite indulgence during the week. Tremont’s next words, however, brought things firmly back to business.

“I want you, Callie, and I’ll pay whatever it takes to get you.”

There it was. The offer she dreaded but knew she had to accept. She remembered her discussion with Irene earlier in the week. Play it cool, she reminded herself.

Callie raised one eyebrow in response. “I already have a job. One I love. With people I respect.”

To her surprise Josh Tremont laughed out loud, the sudden sound turning the heads of the diners around them.

“Oh, you’re good, Callie. You’re very good. It’s not everyone who tries to put me in my place so politely. C’mon, name your price.”

Callie took a sip of her coffee then carefully replaced her cup on its saucer and lifted her gaze to meet his. Instantly she felt the power of his will behind his stare. Were she a weaker woman, or even someone who owed the Palmers any less, she had no doubt she’d have capitulated. But she wasn’t that person and she owed them everything. Nothing he could do, or offer, would change that.

“What if I don’t have one?” she finally replied.

“Everybody has a price, Callie,” he coaxed.

“Let me think about it. I’ll call you,” she smiled coolly as she rose and collected her document case. “Thank you very much for lunch. I believe our meeting is over.”

She tucked her case back under one arm before extending her hand to Tremont to say goodbye. He got up from his chair, a dangerous glitter reflected in his eyes. He took her hand, his thumb rubbing gently across her skin, sending a ripple of warmth to traverse up her arm.

“I haven’t given up, you know. Didn’t your mother ever warn you about men like me? We enjoy a challenge.”

Callie thought briefly of the woman who’d given birth to her. A woman who’d preferred to dish out abuse—physical or mental, she hadn’t been fussy—rather than advice of any kind.

He leaned in a little closer. “I’ll let you go for now, but don’t keep me waiting too long,” he urged, releasing her hand.

“I said I’ll think about it. I won’t promise more than that.”

Tremont gave a short sharp nod. “I’ll take you back to your car.”

“That won’t be necessary.”

“I said I’d take you back to your car, and I will. I’m a man of my word.”

“Are you?” she jibed.

“Oh, yes. Don’t mistake me, Callie. I say what I mean and I always get what I want. Eventually.”


Josh Tremont set his phone back down on his desk and leaned back in his chair, swivelling it around to view the glittering panorama of Auckland City’s inner harbour. For a moment he savoured the taste of success before his mind turned to analysing the call he’d just received.

He allowed a small smile to pull at his lips. So Callie Rose Lee had her price after all. It was high, but he could afford it. Besides, she was worth so much more to him than she could possibly realise. She’d been groomed by the Palmer family for the past ten years and losing her would hopefully send a shock wave through them that would reverberate for some time. And into the bargain he got an exceptionally clever, and beautiful, assistant.