They’d ended their harbour cruise standing by the aft railing on the main deck, Josh’s arms wrapped around her from behind, her body fully supported by his strength. There was a bitter sweetness to the knowledge that the evening was drawing to a close, but even perfection had its boundaries. Their return to reality was as reluctant as it was necessary.

As Josh had said, a car was waiting for them at the Westhaven Marina as the boat drew in. Now that car was headed to Callie’s town house.

“Stay with me this weekend.”

The rumble of Josh’s voice in the gloom of the car interior surprised her.

“You want me to stay at your place?”

Her heart leaped at the opportunity, but her head urged caution.

“You don’t want to?”

“I didn’t say that.”

“Good, it’s settled then. You can leave your car at work on Friday and we’ll drive home together.”

“Won’t people notice?”

“Does that bother you?” Josh lifted her hand to his lips and drew her forefinger into his mouth. “I want more than just mind-blowing sex from you, Callie.”

She gasped as his lips closed around the tip and the wet warmth of his tongue stroked against her skin.

“Wouldn’t you like to explore this further?” he coaxed.


A shudder ran through her. She wouldn’t have believed it possible, but she wanted him again. She’d thought her body was too tired, too sated, to want more. She’d been wrong. But hard on the heels of the desire that threatened to swamp her consciousness was the reminder that, all pleasure aside, she was supposed to be exploring him. Josh Tremont, the man.

“Yes,” she replied again, this time more firmly. “I would.”

“Excellent. You won’t regret it.”

But as the limousine pulled up outside her home and Josh walked her to her front door, Callie experienced a deep sense of foreboding that she most definitely would.


The next two days dragged on interminably, as Josh closeted himself in his office with intercultural advisors and the heads of his legal department. Even though only metres separated them by day, Callie felt as if they were suddenly worlds apart. If it hadn’t been for the brief moments when their eyes met or their hands brushed as she handed him a file, she would have begun to wonder if she hadn’t imagined their idyllic night together on the water.

Every time she looked out the wide expanse of his office window toward the harbour, she was reminded of what they’d shared and it made her want more. So very much more. And that was very dangerous indeed, because despite how hard she was falling for him, she had to remember her promise to Irene. She had to remember that Josh threatened the Palmers with every business move he made and somehow she had to find out why, and how to stop him.

She’d let Irene know that she would be spending the weekend with Josh and her mentor had expressed her approval.

“Make sure you find out whatever you can,” she’d insisted. “Leave no stone unturned.”

Finally, it was five o’clock on Friday afternoon and Callie was finalising her backup process when the hairs on the back of her neck prickled and a deep sense of awareness permeated her body.

“I thought this week would never end.”

Josh’s lips were close to her ear and she shivered as he bent his head to kiss her softly against the pulse that now fluttered erratically in her neck. He swivelled her chair around and drew her to her feet, pulling her against him and slanting his lips across hers like a man who’d been denied human contact for far too long.

Callie gave herself over to his embrace. She knew all too well how he felt.

“Let’s go,” he murmured against her lips. “Or I might not make it home.”

Every muscle in her body clenched on the surge of arousal that swept through her. If he asked, she’d let him have her on her desk, the floor, anywhere as long as he’d assuage the clamouring need inside. It was probably just as well that he’d kept his distance these past two days or she’d have been a quivering wreck and rendered incapable of doing her job.

“My things are in the back of my car,” she replied.

They travelled together in the elevator to the underground car park, stopping only for a few minutes for her to retrieve her bag before they were in the Maserati and driving along Tamaki Drive toward St Heliers.

Traffic along the waterfront was heavy and by the time Josh hit the automatic gate and garage door openers he was in a fever pitch to get Callie upstairs and into the master suite. If it hadn’t been for the matter of protection, he would have eschewed the master suite in favour of any flat surface. He made a mental note to ensure that didn’t become a problem in the near future.