As he saw her to the door he knew he needed to make his first definitive move.

“I hope you weren’t too upset that I couldn’t keep the painting,” Callie said as she pressed the button on her key to unlock her car.

“Not upset exactly,” Josh responded, choosing his words carefully.


“Just sorry I caused you distress in any way.”

As Callie started to speak again Josh placed his index finger firmly against her lips. “Don’t make excuses for me. I can handle making a mistake every now and then.”

Before she could summon a protest, he lowered his head to hers and replaced his fingertip with his lips. The sudden jolt that shattered through him came as a complete surprise. Yes, logically he knew he found her attractive. What red-blooded hetero guy wouldn’t? But the searing heat plunging through his veins was totally unexpected. He fought to not pull her to him, to align the soft curves of her body against the hard planes of his. To answer the primitive roar that filled his mind even as he fought to keep the kiss light.

She tasted of the mixed berries and white chocolate shortcake, and the sweetness, combined with her own unique flavour, spread through his senses like an intoxicating elixir.

Not touching her was torment. Taking her lips not enough. With a groan, he gave in to his body’s demands and slid his arms around her, gathering her to him. The smooth fabric of her dress slithered against his palms as he stroked across her back. Beneath the silky fabric he felt the heat of her skin and instantly wanted to know its texture more intimately.

Callie’s hands still remained at her side, her fingers clenched around her car keys. He could feel her tension in every line of her body. Gently, he deepened his kiss, sweeping his tongue past her lips to stroke hers, to absorb the tiny sounds she made. Sounds that sent his blood pulsing even faster and hotter through his veins.

A small tremor undulated through her body—if he hadn’t been holding her so close he might have missed it—but it signalled her capitulation. Her mouth opened wider, her tongue met his and her keys dropped unheeded to the driveway as she raised her hands and linked them around his neck, pulling him closer to her.

Her breasts pressed now against his chest, her hips aligned with his, her mound pressing against the rigid length of his desire for her. There was no hiding it. He was unequivocally aroused.

The realisation of how close he was to losing control sluiced through his mind with the effectiveness of a bucket of iced water. He didn’t want to rush this.

Slowly, Josh withdraw from their embrace, but the insistent hammer of his heart in his chest belied the call his mind had just made. He trailed a line of small kisses from the corner of Callie’s mouth and up the soft curve of her cheekbone until his lips rested against her temple.

Her breath came in short, sharp puffs of air against the bare skin at the opening of his shirt. His imagination flew into overdrive wondering what it would be like to feel her breath over the rest of his body. He bit back a curse and summoned every ounce of control he had left.

Josh lifted his hands to frame Callie’s face and tilted her head slightly, forcing her to meet his gaze.

“I’m glad you came over tonight.”

“I…” Her voice foundered with confusion.

“You know I want to see you again.” He kissed her slightly parted lips once last time. “And I’m not just talking about in the office.”

“I… I don’t know.”

“Worried what people will say? We can keep it quiet for now if you want. Think about it, okay?”

He bent and retrieved her car keys from the driveway and opened the car door for her.

“Promise me you’ll drive home safely,” he said, his eyes boring into hers.

“I will.”

Confusion reflected in her eyes. He’d wager tonight hadn’t been what she’d anticipated at all. For him it had been an unexpected bonus.

“See you Monday. We’ll talk more then.”

“Yes, Monday.”

She was operating on autopilot now, and the realisation gave him a sense of supreme male satisfaction. Obviously, their kiss had rattled her as much as it had him.

Callie took her keys from his outstretched hand, her fingertips tingling as they brushed against his palm. She still couldn’t quite believe that he’d kissed her, nor could she rationalise her overwhelming reaction to that kiss. Somehow she had to pull herself together and get herself home. From hidden reserves of strength she dragged up the automatic behaviour required to clip on her seat belt and start her car.

As she drove up the driveway, she stole a look in the rearview mirror. Josh stood exactly where she’d left him, bathed in the golden outdoor lighting, a strong silhouette watching her as she drove away. Her breath quickened in her chest as she felt the strength of his perusal through the dark night air and she lifted a hand to her face, her fingertips resting against her lips as if by doing so she could relive his touch all over again.