“Oh, well. I don’t suppose that the great journey ahead of you has made you see reason about drinking human blood instead of animal, has it? It does reflect on the family honor, you know.”

“Don’t goad me, brother. I couldn’t help what happened tonight. But from now on I go back to animal blood. And to hell with the family honor—if it ever had any since you came of age.”

Damon shrugged most eloquently. “Whatever. But, little brother . . .”


“What do you intend to do about the promise you made to Elena to take care of me always?”

Thunderous silence.

Damon watched Stefan narrow-eyed. He himself had a sort of share in the promise as well, although he preferred not to acknowledge it. But there was no way to pretend that his given word meant nothing to him.

He wanted to see how Stefan was going to wriggle out of this quandary.

For just an instant he thought his brother was going to break the connection of their locked eyes. But the moment passed. Stefan’s pupils, which had dilated, went back to normal size again.

“I’ll be keeping that promise every moment of every day. Because I’m giving you into her care, brother, and you know that I am. And that will be better for you than my care at my very best.”

Damon opened his mouth, shut it, opened it again. No words, however came out. He was suddenly seriously afraid that his younger brother was insane. If Stefan didn’t really mean all he’d said tonight—if it was some kind of elaborate practical joke . . .

But Bonnie’s terror hadn’t been a joke. Stefan had done something to her, and her instincts had warned her of how drastic that something was going to be.

Stefan was still watching him expressionlessly. “You don’t believe me now. It doesn’t matter.”


“No. Because I want to give me your solemn word about one thing. Only one. Will you hear me out?”

“Do I have a choice?”

“Not really.” Stefan spoke two more quiet sentences and then stood silent, waiting.

Damon watched him closely for a moment. Then he gave a fluid shrug. “Fine with me. You may not believe this, but—”

“Then I have your word on it?”

Damon sighed. “You have my word,” he said shortly.

Stefan nodded. “You’ll understand my choice one day. And you’ll see what I mean about Elena’s care.”

I will, won’t I? Damon thought a bit giddily. Soon it’s going to be me letting Elena convince me to drink her blood, the way she always seduces Stefan into it. His canines throbbed at the very notion, sharpening. Since speaking now would only reveal this, he used telepathy.

All right, then. You’ve got a solution for everything. You’ve answered all my questions, so I suppose I have to let you go.

“As if you had any other choice—or inclination,” Stefan said. “But I’m going to go, anyway. I’m going to Influence Elena’s aunt and the others she’s brought, and then release Matt and Meredith and Bonnie. And you’re going to stay up here until your teeth are blunt again. It’s best if you don’t let anyone see you until I leave the hospital. I’ve already edited myself out of the staff’s minds, but a second dark-haired predator made in Italy might blow all their circuits.”

Right, right, Damon sent, already planning just where to go and what to do inside the hospital. Goodbye, he added, noting absently that he’d lost the stare-out by looking away while thinking of Elena.

“Goodbye, Damon.”

Good luck—no! Stefan! Wait!

Stefan, who had started for the door to the stairs leading down, paused and turned like a grownup looking back at a toddler who didn’t want to go to bed.

“Wait, wait!” Damon said. He had no trouble keeping blunt teeth now. He had just gotten a glimpse of future insanity.

“Well? What?”