I struggled to a sitting position. “What happened? Why are you here?”

“You had a nasty run-in with Samuel and he tried to make you kill your brother,” Lady Alice explained matter-of-factly as she picked up a tin cup and brought it to my lips. I turned away, unsure what she could possibly be giving me—or what she’d possibly think I’d deserve.

“Just goat’s blood. Cora said it was your favorite,” she said gently, again bringing the cup to my lips. This time, I drank, slowly, allowing the familiar liquid to run down my throat.

“Where’s Damon?” I finally croaked, pushing the cup away.

“He’s safe. He’s back at the Bedford house. I brought you to my house to heal.” A heavy silence fell between us as I realized the enormity of what she’d done. She’d saved me and invited me—a vampire—into her home. I didn’t know what to say.

“Why did you help?” I said finally.

“I realized I didn’t have much of a choice,” Lady Alice said. “Cora came running to me, begging me to intervene. She told me you all were in over your heads with Samuel. I eventually agreed, but by the time we got to the prime minister’s house, you were long gone. Luckily, I was able to do a locator spell.”

“But why now?”

“I had a talk with some wise witches, and I realized that if Samuel had his way, evil would win. And then I’d lose. I’d already lost Mary Jane. I knew I couldn’t lose anything else. And I came just in time,” she said.

“Thank you,” I said softly. It wasn’t nearly enough. But what else could I say to the woman who not only saved my life, but my brother’s life, too?

“Don’t thank me,” she said. “Just prove to me I did the right thing. I saved you, and I expect a good turn from you one of these days. All of our kind does. Promise me that.”

“I promise,” I said. After all of our disagreements, Lady Alice and I really did want the same things.

“Enough about me. There are a few people here who want to see you. I’ll let them know you’re up.”

Who could it be? Damon, I was sure, must hate me again.

I was surprised when Jemima, Gus, Billy, and Vivian, the four orphans from Mary Jane’s slum, walked in and surrounded my bed.

“They helped me reconsider. We all made mistakes when we tried to fight Samuel the first time, but Mary Jane would have wanted to help you. Did help you,” Lady Alice explained. “And their presence has added strength to our coven. They’re young, they’re strong, and they’re hungry. That spell I was performing down on the docks wasn’t just coming from me. All the orphans were behind it as well. And that was enough to defeat Samuel and his vampire army. As soon as I realized the orphans didn’t have anywhere to live besides the slum, I invited them to join me at my house. I hope Mary Jane would be happy,” Lady Alice said sadly.

“She would be,” I assured her. Then I turned my attention to the orphans. “Thank you for helping me, especially after everything that happened.”

“I hope we can put it all behind us,” Vivian said.

“We have the chance to change history,” Lady Alice said. “Vampires and witches don’t work together. And maybe for the most part, it’s better that way. But we all know now that sometimes, in extraordinary circumstances, witches and vampires can accomplish amazing things together.”

I smiled at the sentiment. I was feeling much stronger, now, thanks to these kind witches. I swung my legs to the side of the bed and rose unsteadily to my feet.

“Thank you.” I wanted to tell them how sorry I was for the havoc Samuel had wreaked, and how I knew saving me didn’t make them feel any better about losing Mary Jane. But I didn’t. The situation was too large for words.

“You won’t have to worry about me anymore,” I said finally. “I’ll be moving on.”

“Good for you, then,” Jemima said. “Good luck with everything.” I could tell that she actually meant it.

“Where will you go?” Gus asked.

“Maybe Australia,” I said, choosing a country at random. I wanted to get away from rain, and death, and that seemed far enough away for a fresh start.

“You need protection. Here, let me,” Lady Alice murmured. She circled her hands around my head several times in quick succession. By the third time, the burnt-out candles strewn about the floor lit up.

“Ad lucem eterna,” she intoned, and the younger witches took up the chorus. “That will help keep your true identity a secret when evil comes.”

“Thank you,” I said. I knew a million thank-yous wouldn’t express my gratitude for everything they’d done over these past few days.

A little while later, I said good-bye to the witches and readied myself to go. Just as I was about to head out, Cora walked in.

“Hi,” she said shyly.