Sawyer wouldn’t let her down. Their son should know how much both of his parents loved him no matter how they felt about each other. Sawyer’s love for his son was something he had never been confused about. In fact, it was the one thing he had been sure about from the beginning.

He’d make this song the greatest one ever written.

* * *

PIPER WAS TRYING to get in the right mind-set for this show, but it was harder than she’d feared it would be. Every time she moved from one place to another in the arena, she worried she would bump into Sawyer. It was only a matter of time. They would eventually have to see each other. She just didn’t want it to be a surprise.

“Let’s get your hair and makeup done for the meet and greet. After that, we need to make sure you eat something. You’ve got a healthy boy in there who needs his mom to help him get bigger,” her dad said as they made their way back to the dressing room.

“Sawyer’s not coming to the meet and greet, correct?” she asked for clarification.


“Because he didn’t want to come or because you told him not to come?”

“Because I told him not to. No reason to make you and the fans uncomfortable. There’s nothing more awkward than standing there with two people who recently broke up.”

“But did we sell the experience to people with the promise of meeting both of us?”

“Yes, but—”

“But nothing. If everyone in the room thinks they are going to meet both of us and they only get to meet me, they will leave blaming me for not getting the full experience. Down, down, down. That’s what will happen to my reputation.” She had her hand do a nosedive for a visual. “You won’t want that, Dad. I know you.”

“Believe it or not, I do not care about your reputation as much as I care about your feelings. Your mother would be so proud if she could hear me right now.”

Piper smiled. He had come out of this experience a different person, as well. “I appreciate that, Dad. But he and I have to be in the same room at some point. Might as well get it over with. Rip the Band-Aid off.”

“I’ll let him know,” Heath said. “If you’re sure. We could always set him up in a separate room. You’re the star and he’s the opening act.” Well, it hadn’t changed him completely.

“It’s fine.” The baby kicked, almost like he knew he was going to be near his daddy again.

* * *

THE MEET-AND-GREET ROOM in the Allstate was much larger than some of the other ones they’d been to. There was plenty of space for them to spread out.

Piper found herself bracing every time the door opened, thinking it was going to be Sawyer. She went to spin her engagement ring around her finger, but it wasn’t there. She fiddled with her bracelets instead, trying not to let her emotions get the best of her.

“Can I get you anything before this starts?” Lana asked. “Water? Snack?”

“Did Dad tell Sawyer he should be here?”

“He said he did,” Lana answered half-heartedly. Sometimes what Heath said wasn’t exactly what he did.

“Did Sawyer reply and say he would be here?”

“I don’t know, Piper. I can go check and see if he’s in his dressing room. You want me to do that?”

Before she could answer, Sawyer came through the door, tucking his shirt in. He looked like he’d only just gotten the message and had raced to get there. Piper’s heart skipped a beat as their eyes met. Her heart had definitely not gotten the memo that it was over between them.

“Sorry, I was busy writing a song and lost track of time,” he said. His eyes never left hers.

He was working on her song. The thought made her smile. At least there was one thing she could count on—he would love their son. But that smile didn’t last long. Just seeing him hurt in a way that almost took her breath away. How would they handle raising their little boy if this pain didn’t ease?

“What’s the plan if someone asks us what happened?” Sawyer asked, giving his hair a tousle.

“No comment,” Heath said. “We will not be commenting on personal matters. That will already be communicated to everyone who will be allowed in here. If someone decides to ignore my rules, they will be escorted out by Mitch.”