Sawyer’s dimples were on display. “Fine, no riding off into the sunset together at the end, I guess. They can definitely just be props.”

His phone rang and he hit Decline.

“Who was that?”

“No one important.” Aka his mom. Piper wanted Gretchen to stay away from the wedding as much as Sawyer did. She’d actually love it if the woman decided to leave Grass Lake altogether.

“What do you think she wants?” she asked.

“Doesn’t matter,” he said as his phone signaled he had a voice mail. “Whatever it is, it’s irrelevant.”

Faith came storming in from the barn. “We have a problem.”

Sawyer and Scout both jumped up. The dog barked and Sawyer asked, “What kind of problem?”

She tugged off her work gloves. “Three different people just pulled into our parking lot. They wanted a comment on a wedding that’s happening tomorrow.”

“What kind of people?” Sawyer asked.

“How in the world would they know there’s a wedding happening tomorrow?” Piper asked.

“Well, I’m going to guess paparazzi, given the fact that they thought they could take a few pictures of Piper’s bus while they were here.”

Sawyer and Piper bolted to the front of the house and pulled the curtains back. Sure enough, Jesse—Helping Hooves’ therapist—was out there directing some guys off the property.

“Great,” Sawyer said in an exhale.

“I can’t have them taking pictures of my clients, Sawyer. And Dean has some band coming in to record later today. We’re both still running businesses in the middle of this.” Faith’s hands were on her hips. As if she didn’t disapprove enough already.

“We’ll put up some No Trespassing signs and something that says this lot is only for Helping Hooves clients and guests,” Sawyer said, dialing his phone.

“How many more are going to show up in the next twenty-four hours?” Faith asked.

Piper knew from experience that where there was one, there were ten. Paparazzi had a tendency to multiply like rabbits. “We need to get some security down here, as well. I can set that up.”

“I can’t deal with constant interruptions today, so that would be helpful.” Faith went out the front door just as another car drove down the lane.

Someone had to have tipped them off. Or they could have found out about the marriage license. It was public record. That didn’t explain how they knew the wedding was tomorrow. The license was good for thirty days—it didn’t specify when Piper and Sawyer were getting married.

“Who would have leaked the details of our wedding?” Piper pondered aloud. “The only people who know are the few who are coming. And I can’t imagine they would have told the media.”

Sawyer hung up his phone. His face was red. “Gretchen.”

“How do you know?”

“I just listened to her message. She wanted to warn me that we might have a few ‘unexpected guests.’”

The woman was relentless. Piper knew she didn’t think Sawyer should get married, but she’d never expected his mother to try to sabotage it by creating yet another thing for them to worry about. They’d have to increase security, and privacy would be more difficult to come by. Seemed each of them had a parent who was determined to delay the ceremony.

“I’m going to run down to the hardware store and get some signs. You stay in the house. With people coming in and out without warning, it’s best if you stay out of sight,” Sawyer said.

“My face is on the bus out there. It’s not like they don’t know I’m here.”

“We’re going to be fine. And if worse comes to worse and this becomes some kind of circus, we’ll go down to city hall and get married in front of a judge instead.”

That was definitely not the way Piper wanted to get married. It was fine for some people, but she wanted something resembling a normal ceremony.

Sawyer grabbed his keys and took off. Piper peeked through the curtains as he shouted at a new paparazzo to move his car so he could get his truck out.

Everyone working against him seemed to make Sawyer that much more determined to see this wedding through. Piper worried that even his own fears about rushing into this were pushing him to prove them wrong.