There were a million things he would do for her, but marriage was off the table. “I can’t marry you. We have to come up with another plan. What if being honest won’t be as bad as you think? Our time together wasn’t as meaningless as your father is acting like it was. I care about you.”

“It will be just as bad as, if not worse than, I think it will be. You say you care about me. I care about you, too. Isn’t that enough?”

Sawyer couldn’t believe she was this afraid of hurting her career. A loveless marriage was not worth all the success in the world. “Marriage should be based on love. I’m not in love. I like you, and I respect you too much to marry you knowing we’re going to get divorced a couple months later.”

Piper’s shoulders slumped. “Do you really believe I want to marry someone who doesn’t love me? This isn’t about what I want, it’s about what I need. I need you to do this for me, for the baby.”

Faith pounded the table with her fist. The plates clattered and everyone’s eyes turned on her. “My brother is not getting married. Period. You need to come up with a different plan. I don’t care what it is as long as it does not include my brother making a vow in front of God that he does not intend to uphold. That is not the way we were raised.”

“Well, I am pretty sure that God would take issue with him getting my daughter pregnant before making those vows.” Heath raised his voice.

Sawyer had to stop himself from storming out. This was getting them nowhere and people were going to start saying things they didn’t mean.

“Can we find a compromise?” he asked. “Can we say we’re dating? Heck, I’ll even go along with a fake engagement. I won’t go through with a fake marriage, though. That’s the line I won’t cross.”

“Engaged. Publicly?” Piper clarified.

Sawyer took a deep breath and nodded. “Publicly. And once enough time has passed, we call the engagement off.”

“Are you sure about this, Sawyer?” Faith asked. “You don’t have to agree to anything. We can think about it. Give everyone time to cool off.”

“An engagement would be better than dating,” Heath mused aloud without any apparent concern for Sawyer’s certainty or lack thereof.

“Everyone on social media already thinks we’re together,” Piper added. “They’ve handed this to us on a silver platter. No one will doubt it.”

Sawyer stared across the table at his sister. She had to know what he was thinking. He was just about to embark on a new life. One without any responsibilities tying him down. He was going to spread his wings and focus on himself. He’d spent his life working on the family’s therapy farm, doing what his dad wanted and then helping his sister run Helping Hooves after their dad died. This was supposed to be his time.

He couldn’t think like that. He had been raised by a father who was the rock to their mother’s roll. A father who always put his children first despite their mother’s selfish desire to be free.

He would never be his mother. “You’re right. The ball is already rolling in that direction. Let’s go with it.”

“It works in your favor, really,” Piper said. “In return for going along with this, you get to go on tour with me, get your music in front of more people than you could on your own. You can take advantage of the love my fans have for me, fans who will surely melt for the guy I tell them I want to marry.”

He couldn’t deny the positives that would come from being connected to her a little longer. Ever since Dean had suggested it, he couldn’t stop thinking about how much exposure he’d get joining her tour. Raising a child was a lifelong commitment. But maybe he wouldn’t lose every part of the new life he’d been building for himself.

“Don’t do it unless you’re absolutely sure,” Faith said, trying her best to throw Sawyer a lifeline.

“It’s not a bad plan,” Dean said. Faith frowned. “I mean, it’s not good that they have to lie, but it will help them both professionally. The better they do, the better they’ll be able to support the baby. The sales will be off the charts. People are going to listen to every song on Piper’s album, trying to figure out which ones are about you falling in love with one another. Then, they’ll all turn around and buy a ticket to the show to see the lovebirds up close and in person.”