“Not really.”

“Fair enough.” Wes was quiet for a moment, as if contemplating his next question. He seemed to ask despite his better judgment. “Then let me ask why making the tournament a family event is such a focal point for you?”

Discussing the tournament was exactly what she needed right now. After all, that was the point of the trip.

“The truth?” She turned to him. “Bex and I want to elevate the game. Pass our expertise on to the next generation of players. We’re planning to put on volleyball clinics for kids eight to seventeen years old. Gearing the tournament toward families will allow us to tap in to our market.”

“I see.” He mulled over her revelation in silence for a moment. “It’s a solid business idea. Who wouldn’t want their kids to learn the sport from two of its most successful athletes? But in terms of the tournament, your target market doesn’t align with the resort’s.”

“Pleasure Cove Luxury Resort isn’t an adults-only destination,” she countered.

“It isn’t a family-friendly one, either. It’s the kind of place parents go to get away from their kids for a week.”

“That’s awful.” She couldn’t help laughing.

“It’s also true.” He chuckled, seemingly relieved the mood in the car had lightened. “That doesn’t make them bad people. Let’s face it, being a parent is one of the toughest jobs in the world. Sometimes you need to take a break and reset.”

“You sound like a man who speaks from experience. Are there any little Wesleys out there I don’t know about?” She grinned.

His shoulders seemed to stiffen and his smile vanished for a moment. He pulled up to the valet stand in front of a huge, pink stone building.

“No one out there is calling me Dad, I assure you.” He forced a smile, but his eyes seemed sadder than she’d ever seen them. He nodded toward the building. “We’re here.”

A valet at the Omni Grove Park Inn opened the door and helped her out of the car. Wes handed him the keys.

“Shall we?” Wes waved a hand toward the entrance of the building.

“This building is amazing.” Bree surveyed the open front hall, which had two massive stone fireplaces blazing. Most of the furniture was art deco. “How long has this place been here?”

“Over a hundred years. The exterior was hewn out of native granite. The roof is comprised of red clay tiles. Some of the original furniture is still on display throughout the hotel.”

Wes led her to the Sunset Terrace—a steak-and-seafood restaurant situated on a large, covered outdoor terrace with an incredible mountain view. The server seated them.

“It’s stunning.” Bree was mesmerized by the incredible view of the mountains as the sun began to set. “A perfect end to a perfect day.”

“I wanted your final night here to be memorable.” Wes smiled sheepishly. He added quickly, “To give you a sense of the area.”

“Then why do I feel like I’m on a date?” Bree couldn’t help the smirk that slowly spread across her face.

His eyes widened and he coughed. Wes took a deep drink of his water without response.

“Or maybe I just need to get out more.” She sipped her water then returned the glass to the table. “Because the last time I had this much fun was the night we spent together in London.”

Wes seemed relieved when the server appeared and took their orders. By the time the man left, he’d gathered himself.

“Bree…” He said her name as if it’d taken every ounce of his energy to utter it. “I like you. A lot. And maybe you’re right. This was supposed to be a simple business trip, but I’ve turned it into what feels like something more. It wasn’t intentional.”

“So we stumbled into a romantic getaway?” One eyebrow raised, she sipped her water.

“Maybe I allowed my attraction to you to shape my choices.” Wes sighed heavily. “But the fact remains that we’ll be working together, and we need to keep things professional.”

“Not to mention that you’re not in the market for anything serious. Ever.” She buried her hurt behind a teasing tone and forced smile.