Nor did she imagine that Antonio was lying awake fantasizing about visiting Caitlyn anytime soon, either. They were two people thrown together by extraordinary circumstances and they both had enormous, daunting realities to deal with that didn’t easily translate into any kind of relationship other than...what? Friends? Co-parents? Trying to figure it out was exhausting enough; adding romance to the mix was out of the question.

Especially since Antonio could—and likely would—have his pick of women soon enough. A virgin mother of triplets, former accountant sister-in-law didn’t have the same appeal as a lush, redheaded actress-wife combo, that was for sure.

The doctor buzzed the gate entrance at precisely three o’clock. Antonio ushered the stately salt-and-pepper-haired physician into the foyer and thanked him for coming as the two men shook hands.

All morning, Antonio had been short-tempered and scowling, even after Caitlyn told him the doctor was coming to him. Caitlyn hovered just beyond the foyer, unsure if she was supposed to make herself scarce or insist on being present for the conversation in case the doctor had follow-up instructions for Antonio’s care.

Vanessa would have been stuck to Antonio’s side. As a wife should. Caitlyn was only the person who had made the appointment. And she’d done that just to make sure it happened.

“Caitlyn,” Antonio called, his tone slightly amused, which was a plus, considering his black mood. “Come meet Dr. Barnett.”

That she could do. She stood by Antonio, but not too close, and exchanged pleasantries with the doctor.

“I saw you fight Alondro in Vegas,” the doctor remarked with an appreciative nod at Antonio. “Ringside. Good match.”

Antonio accepted the praise with an inclined head, but his hands immediately clenched and his mouth tightened; clearly, the doctor’s comments made him uncomfortable. Because he didn’t remember? Or had he lost all context of what it meant to be famous? Either way, she didn’t like anyone making Antonio uncomfortable, let alone someone who was supposed to be here to help.

“Can I show you to a private room where you can get started?” Caitlyn asked in a no-nonsense way.

“Of course.” Dr. Barnett’s face smoothed out and he followed Caitlyn and Antonio to the master bedroom, where Antonio had indicated he felt the most at home in the house.

Score one for Caitlyn. Or was it two since a medical professional was on the premises?

She started to duck out, but Antonio stopped her with a warm hand on her arm. “I’d like you to stay,” he murmured. “So it will feel less formal.”

“Oh.” A bit flummoxed, she stared up into his dark eyes. “It won’t be weird if the doctor wants you undressed?”

On cue, her cheeks heated. She’d blushed more around this man in the past few days than she had in her whole life.

His lips quirked and she congratulated herself on removing that dark scowl he’d worn all day. Too bad his new expression had come about because he likely found her na?veté amusing.

“It will only be weird if you make it weird.” His head tilted as he contemplated her. “What kind of doctor’s appointment do you think this is?”

She scowled in return. “I’ll stay. But only if you stop making fun of me.”

He winked. Winked. “I solemnly swear. Provided you stop saying things that are funny.”

“And,” she continued as if he hadn’t tried to be charming and slick, when, in truth, it fluttered her heart to be so firmly in the sights of Antonio’s weapons of choice. “I’ll stay if you’ll be perfectly honest with the doctor. If you aren’t, I will be.”

At that, he smiled. “Then, you’ll definitely have to see me undressed.”

“For what reason?” she hissed with a glance at the doctor, who was pretending not to listen to their far-too-loud discussion. Did Antonio have zero sense of propriety?

“Otherwise, how will you know what to say about my badly healed broken leg?” Antonio responded innocently and laughed as Caitlyn smacked his arm. Over his shoulder, he called, “Dr. Barnett, can we start out dressed or shall I strip immediately?”

Dr. Barnett cleared his throat. “We’ll talk first and then I’ll take some vital signs. A more...ah...thorough examination will only become necessary pending the outcome of our discussion. Ms. Hopewell is free to excuse herself at that point.”

Even the doctor sounded as if Caitlyn’s lack of experience around naked men was cause for hilarity. She firmed her mouth and sank into the chair Antonio indicated in the sitting area, which was thankfully far from the bed, then crossed her arms. Men.