"It happens more often when different types of blood are mixed. Every human has a different kind of lifeenergy. Sometimes vampires do it deliberately just for the buzz."

"Yeah? Oh. Humans do that with alcohol."


He's trying to not embarrass me. Matt's teeth were clenched. He still couldn't look up from the floor.

"But I probably should have warned you about it. I wasn't thinking. And it's been . . . a long time since . . . "

Matt looked up, and then down again. A long time—since Elena basically, in other words. Stefan sounded normal now. Normal for Stefan, anyway, especially these days when every sentence echoed as if it were coming from miles away, from somewhere where Stefan was alone in a white room with nothing but his memories.

And he was practically giggling before. How many times have I ever heard him laugh? In my whole life?

"Matt." Stefan just sounded tired now. "I told you before. This isn't a good idea."

"I remember." Matt made an effort. "Yeah? It's not just your fight, you know. It's everybody's."

"I do actually realize that." The edge to Stefan's voice was a little promising. "I'm breaking . . . a promise, you know, by taking human blood at all. It wasn't my idea. And the girls are both strong."

Matt's head jerked up. "What?"

"Meredith has a strong personality, a very strong lifeenergy. And Bonnie's psychic abilities give her—"

"No. I know that. But you're saying what?"

"I'm saying it's enough. As you pointed out, I'm already . . . affected."

"You're telling me to fuck off?"

"Don't try to make me angry, Matt. I'm tired—"

"That proves you're not strong enough—"

"I am tired of dealing with human emotions," Stefan said raggedly. "I've got enough of my own to deal with, especially here. In this town. With her friends." He turned away, leaning against the wall and added almost inaudibly. "I'm tired of having people wonder if I'm going to rip their throats out."

Her friends. People. No mention of the fact that Elena's friends had once been his friends, that he and Matt had been friends. That once he'd asked favors of Matt, things that didn't make any sense at the time, like "Can you drive me to find this particular kind of flower?" That Matt had risked his own life to help Stefan when everyone else thought he was a monster.

And Stefan was still trying to be kind; Matt could hear it. The way you're kind to a kid.

"I didn't know," Stefan went on, even more indistinctly, "how much you hated me."

Oh hell, oh hell, oh hell. "So now you're reading minds?"

"That's what human blood does—but, no, in fact. Even before you hit me all I was reading was your bodylanguage."

I hit you? Matt squeezed his eyes shut hard. It didn't do any good; he could feel wetness on his eyelids. " I'm sorry."


"I'm sorry, all right? I was scared. You used to understand 'scared.'" Before you lost everything.

With a sound like letting out breath, Stefan turned. There was another moment or two, as if he were thinking—or listening. "I still understand it, Matt. I still remember everything that happened here. Thank you."

Matt had turned away so he could rub at his eyes angrily—not that it made any difference which way he turned, probably. "Can you understand how humans feel around you people? Is there anything you can't do? Is there anything we're better at?"

"We're not people."

Matt opened his mouth, shut it again. A little while ago we were all ready to fight the monster that's killing the girls I went to school with. Could I have screwed this up any worse if I’d planned it?