Chapter 46: Encircled

Jamie started to sit up.

"Easy there, kid. How you feelin'?" Ian moved to press Jamie's shoulders against the mattress.

"I feel. . . really good. Why is everyone here? I don't remember. . . "

"You've been sick. Hold still so we can finish fixing you. "

"Can I have some water?"

"Sure, kid. Here you go. "

Doc was staring at Jamie with disbelieving eyes.

I could barely talk, my throat was so tight with joy. "It's the No Pain," I muttered. "It feels wonderful. "

"Why does Jared have Sharon in a headlock?" Jamie whispered to Ian.

"She's in a bad mood," Ian stage-whispered back.

"Hold very still, Jamie," Doc cautioned. "We're going to. . . clean out your injury. Okay?"

"Okay," Jamie agreed in a small voice. He'd noticed the scalpel in Doc's hands. He eyed it warily.

"Tell me if you can feel this," Doc said.

"If it hurts," I amended.

With practiced skill, Doc slid the scalpel gently through the diseased skin in one swift movement. We both glanced at Jamie. He was staring straight up at the dark ceiling.

"That feels weird," Jamie said. "But it doesn't hurt. "

Doc nodded to himself and brought the scalpel down again, making a cross cut. Red blood and dark yellow discharge oozed from the gash.

As soon as Doc's hand was clear, I was spraying Clean back and forth across the bloody X. When it hit the oozing secretion, the unhealthy yellow seemed to sizzle silently. It began to recede. Almost like suds hit by a spray of water. It melted. Doc was breathing fast beside me.

"Look at that. "

I sprayed the area twice for good measure. Already the darker red was gone from Jamie's skin. All that was left was the normal red color of the human blood that flowed out.

"Okay, Heal," I muttered. I found the right canister and tipped the little spout over the gashes in his skin. The clear liquid trickled in, coating the raw flesh and glistening there. The bleeding stopped wherever the Heal spread. I poured half the container-surely twice as much as was needed-into the wound.

"Okay, hold the edges together for me, Doc. "

Doc was speechless as this point, though his mouth hung wide. He did as I asked, using two hands to get both cuts.

Jamie laughed. "That tickles. "

Doc's eyes bulged.

I smeared Seal across the X, watching with deep satisfaction as the edges fused together and faded to pink.

"Can I see?" Jamie asked.

"Let him up, Ian. We're almost done. "

Jamie pulled himself up on his elbows, his eyes bright and curious. His sweaty, dirty hair was matted to his head. It didn't make sense now, next to the healthy glow of his skin.

"See, I put this on," I said, brushing a handful of glitter across the cuts, "and it makes the scar very faint. Like this. " I showed him the one on my arm.

Jamie laughed. "But don't scars impress girls? Where did you get this stuff, Wanda? It's like magic. "

"Jared took me on a raid. "

"Seriously? That's awesome. "

Doc touched the glistening powder residue on my hand, then held his fingers to his nose.

"You should have seen her," Jared said. "She was incredible. "

I was surprised to hear his voice close behind me. I looked around for Sharon automatically and just caught sight of the flame of her hair leaving the room. Maggie was right behind her.

How sad. How frightening. To be filled with so much hate that you could not even rejoice in the healing of a child. . . How did anyone ever come to that point?

"She walked right into a hospital, right up to the alien there, and asked them to treat her injuries, bold as anything. Then, when they turned their backs, she robbed them blind!" Jared made it sound exciting. Jamie was enjoying it, too; his smile was huge. "Walked right out of there with medicine enough to last us all for a long time. She even waved at the bugger behind the counter as she drove away. " Jared laughed.

I couldn't do this for them, Melanie said, suddenly chagrined. You're of more value to them than I would be.

Hush, I said. It was not a time for sadness or jealousy. Only joy. I wouldn't be here to help them without you. You saved him, too.

Jamie was staring at me with big eyes.

"It wasn't that exciting, really," I told him. He took my hand, and I squeezed his, my heart swollen with gratitude and love. "It was very easy. I'm a bugger, too, after all. "

"I didn't mean -" Jared started to apologize.

I waved his protest away, smiling.

"How did you explain the scar on your face?" Doc asked. "Didn't they wonder why you hadn't -"

"I had to have fresh injuries, of course. I was careful to leave them nothing to be suspicious about. I told them I'd fallen with a knife in my hand. " I nudged Jamie with my elbow. "It could happen to anyone. "

I was really flying high now. Everything seemed to glow from inside-the fabrics, the faces, the very walls. The crowd inside and outside the room had begun to murmur and question, but that noise was just a ringing in my ears-like the lingering sound after a bell is struck. A shimmer in the air. Nothing seemed real but the little circle of people I loved. Jamie and Jared and Ian and Jeb. Even Doc belonged in this perfect moment.

"Fresh injuries?" Ian asked in a flat voice.

I stared at him, surprised at the anger in his eyes.

"It was necessary. I had to hide my scar. And learn how to heal Jamie. "

Jared picked up my left wrist and stroked his finger over the faint pink line a few inches above it. "It was horrible," he said, all the humor suddenly gone from his sober voice. "She about hacked her hand off. I thought she'd never use it again. "

Jamie's eyes widened in horror. "You cut yourself?"

I squeezed his hand again. "Don't be anxious-it wasn't that bad. I knew it would be healed quickly. "

"You should have seen her," Jared repeated in a low voice, still stroking my arm.

Ian's fingers brushed across my cheek. It felt nice, and I leaned into his hand when he left it there. I wondered if it was the No Pain or just the joy of saving Jamie that made everything warm and glowing.

"No more raids for you," Ian murmured.

"Of course she'll go out again," Jared said, his voice louder with surprise. "Ian, she was absolutely phenomenal. You'd have to see to really understand. I'm only just beginning to guess at all the possibilities-"

"Possibilities?" Ian's hand slid down my neck to my shoulder. He pulled me closer to his side, away from Jared. "At what cost to her? You let her almost hack her own hand off?" His fingers flexed around the top of my arm with his inflections.

The anger didn't belong with the glow. "No, Ian, it wasn't like that," I said. "It was my idea. I had to. "

"Of course it was your idea," Ian growled. "You'd do anything. . . You have no limits when it comes to these two. But Jared shouldn't have let you -"