He had been more terrified than he thought possible when Mari had fallen pregnant with twins. She, who had been working part-time since the adoption went through and with typical selflessness, had given up work immediately in an effort to ease his fears. If he hadn’t had to keep it together for Ramon, Seb really thought he might have fallen apart. The little boy was a blessing in every way, and now they had two gorgeous daughters.

‘You look like your birth mummy, Ramon, who loved you very much.’

‘She went to live with the angels.’

‘She did,’ Seb agreed. ‘Now, quiet, we don’t want to wake the girls or Mummy, do we?’

Seb pressed a kiss to the forehead of his sleeping wife and left the room hand in hand with his son.

Outside, his brother-in-law, on the crutches he was due to exchange for a stick, stood waiting with his wife—Mark had married his nurse—and Fleur, who was talking to Mari’s foster parents.

‘You can go in,’ Ramon told them all importantly. ‘But only if you’re very quiet—right, Daddy?’


‘And we’re proud as Punch, aren’t we?’

‘We are,’ Seb agreed, looking through the window to where his wife slept. ‘Very proud and very, very lucky.’