Page 62 of How to Save a Life

“What did you hear, Riley?” he repeats in a low voice.

“That I’m a distraction for you. I heard enough to know it’s time to get back to reality.”

He exhales and brushes my hair off my shoulder, so sweet and tender I almost want to kill him. It’s not fair that the first time in my life I fall in love it’s with someone I can’t have.

“I didn’t mean it.”

“Spare me.”

“I can’t talk about us with Eli.”

“Then who can you talk about us with?” He has no answer to that. “Just go Jordan.”

He shakes his head. “No. I’m not losing you over a misunderstanding.”

Tears of frustration start all over again. Why does love have to be so painful?

“I understood you perfectly. I was laboring under the false impression that you’re a nice guy, so thanks for the heads-up.”

He blows out a sharp breath, steeling himself. “I feel guilty. That’s why I can’t talk about us.” A heavy pause. “I spent years trying to take Laine away from him and…and for the first time in decades I have something good… something real all to myself, and Lainey’s gone.”

His eyes close and his shoulders fall. He’s embarrassed. I know him by now. I know what shame looks like on his face.

The fight leaves me drained. “Why couldn’t you just tell me that instead of hurting my feelings?”

Picking me up, he places me on his lap, holds me tight, kisses my lips, my eyes, getting as close as he possibly can.

“I’m sorry. Don’t leave. I’m begging you, Riley. I can’t leave Maisie with Eli alone just yet. And I can’t chase you back home. Please stay.”

I squeeze him tighter––my complicated, emotional man.


A beat later. “Who’s Fat Jesus?”

As they say, all good things come to an end. So does our stay in Chatam. We passed the two week marker when Maisie’s castle was completed. Eli being Eli, he painted the exterior to look like and honest-to-goodness medieval turret.

For the first time, I’m both excited and scared to face what comes next. This was a perfect little bubble for me to indulge my fantasy of happy-ever-after, but New York is a different animal.

“I made this for you.” Eli holds out a package roughly larger than a book. I’m so shocked by the gesture I don’t reach for it right away, which leaves him hanging.

“Oh, you didn’t have to––” Finally coming back to my senses.

“I know. I wanted to.”

I open the wrapping paper carefully and find a portrait, an illustration of me as a cartoon action figure reminiscent of a Marvel super hero. Except I have a baton in one hand and a baby who looks a lot like Maisie tucked under the other arm.

A wide smile splits my face and tears fill my eyes. “You did this?” He’s not only a talented writer but an amazing artist.

“I’m playing around with the idea of adding her to my books.”

“Eli…” The words desert me. I’m so touched, so honored. Three months ago I didn’t know either of them and now… now they mean the world to me.

Standing next to Eli, Jordan kisses Maisie on the cheek and hands her back to Eli. Putting his sunglasses on, he heads for the driver’s seat of the Audi with what I suspect are too many emotions for him to handle.

“Come back any time you want,” Eli says. “Maisie would love to see you…me too.”

The inevitable tears come when it’s time for me to say goodbye to Maisie. She shattered my world and gave me something else to consider.

“Rie. Pick up.”

Holding her close, I whisper in her ear, “I love you very, very much. Don’t ever forget that.”

“Love,” she repeats.

Turning in my seat, I find Eli holding Maisie still standing in front of the house as we drive away, the wind kicking up the black robe he’s wearing.

I wipe the tears away as quickly as I can, but they’re soon replaced by more. Jordan stops at the bottom of the gravel driveway and leans over, takes my face in his hands, and kisses me. “Ready to go home?”

I nod, then whisper near his lips, “What home?”

His easy gaze drifts over my face. “Our home.”


Chapter Seventeen


“Hear that?” Jordan says to me the minute we push open the front door.

I step inside and listen but I can’t hear anything. “No.”

“That’s the sound of an empty apartment,” he tells me with a clever smile. Jordan stalks toward me with a hungry expression, and I laugh.

“How has your dick not fallen off yet?” I back away from him while he advanced.

“Baby, I’m just getting started.”

Taking my face in his hands, he kisses me and I kiss him back. We move together, peeling clothes off along the way. A sweater in the foyer, two pairs of sneakers in the hall, jeans in the living room, underwear on the couch.