Brock nods slowly. “Did you apologize?”

“I tried but she’s icing me out.” My mood grows grimmer by the second as I recall the hurt on her face, the shock.

“My two cents?”


“You’re sending mixed messages, stringing her along. That’s not cool, man.”

Mixed messages? Is that what I’ve been doing? “You think I’ve been sending mixed messages?”

A wtf look pops up on Brock’s face. “You honestly don’t see it? You guys spend every minute together.” Noting my blank expression, he continues. “You get nasty whenever anyone else tries to cut in on your time with her.” The sinking sensation in my chest tells me there’s truth to this. “Either make her your girl or cut her loose. It’s not fair, what you’re doing to her.”

“You think she’s into me?”

My heartbeat thunders as I await his answer with bated breath. “I know she’s into you. Everybody knows she’s into you––except for you.”

Relief floods my chest. But then the feeling pivots, takes a nosedive. It sounds like I’ve been using her, and that couldn’t be farther from the truth. And I’m not completely to blame here. Alice friend-zoned me too. I haven’t been seeing other people on the side. As a matter of fact I haven’t been able to see anybody else with the amount of time we spend together.

“I can’t cut her loose.”

He shrugs. “I guess it’s option A, then.”

“I’m not sure option A is the best thing for her, either. I’ve got too much bullshit to deal with as is. I can’t add a girlfriend to the list of responsibilities I already have. I’ll screw it up and then I’ll lose her for good.”

Brock stares at me for a beat before putting on his noise-canceling headphones. “Let me know how that works out for you.”


It’s almost midnight when my phone rings and Reagan’s name flashes onscreen. I haven’t seen or spoken to him since we argued four days ago. The six missed calls on my Recents list and multiple text messages say not for lack of trying on his part.

Chewing on the end of my thumb, I debate whether to answer. I miss him. God, do I miss him. Amazing how three months ago I didn’t even know he existed and now four days apart feel like an eternity. I better get used to it, though. Our current arrangement can’t be sustained. Too many unrequited feelings. Too much physical chemistry. Only on my end, apparently. He’s more than happy to continue as we were. Which depresses the shit out of me.

After bookmarking the article I’m reading on my laptop, I close the tab and power it off, setting it on the small desk that butts up against my even smaller bed.

The call goes to voice mail but it looks like he’s hit his patience limit for being ignored because the phone starts ringing again only a minute later.

“What are you doing?” he says as soon as I answer.

“Talking to you apparently when I should be studying for my History of Italian Film exam tomorrow. Don’t you know how to text like the rest of the civilized world?”

“But then I wouldn’t be talking to you, would I?”

The deep breath he takes reaches through the phone and raises the hair on my arms. It also puts a reluctant grin on my face. No one has the ability to disarm me as effectively as Reagan can. I was all ready to be aloof and mysterious but no, I’m smiling like a goofball. It’s kind of exasperating how easily he decimates every attempt I make to keep some distance between us with only a few sweet, well-timed words.

“You’ve been ignoring my calls.”

I’ve missed him. I don’t want to argue anymore and I’m even willing to forgo an apology to keep the peace. Ignoring his claim, I steer the conversation elsewhere. “Are you still on the bus?” The team traveled to Palo Alto for a game against Stanford yesterday, and I know they lost because I checked.

“No, just got home.” He sounds down so I don’t press for more about the game. From what I’ve been told the division is super competitive and Stanford is already two wins ahead of us. Us…I think of the team as us now.

“So I’m watching Justice League and I have to tell you, no contest, not even a shadow of a doubt, the best character is the Flash.”

“Mmm. Bold assertion. And this very important business couldn’t wait?”

“Friends don’t let friends walk around clueless, Bailey. It’s one of the pillars of friendship.”

Friendship. Why does that word make me a smidge bitter. That’s not really a question. Reclining in bed with my hand tucked behind my head, I take the olive branch he’s offered. “Wonder Woman.”



He sighs loudly. “Fine. She’s hot. I’ll grant you that. And she’s got a neat lasso. But she’s not funny. She’s not really, really fast. Which is awesome. And frankly she’s sort of a stuck-up bitch.”