She followed his gaze. “Oh. I plumb forgot I was wearin’ pants. I got up early and fed the chickens and horses.”
“What time did you get up?” Michael sipped his coffee. His eyes never strayed from her.
She looked down at her lap. “I never went to bed.”
Michael frowned. What did she mean she’d never gone to bed? He’d seen her climb the stairs.
“I tried to sleep but couldn’t. So, I got up and read—” Her wide eyes darted to his.
“You can read?” He already knew the answer to that question, but he promised Rainee he wouldn’t say anything and he intended to keep his promise.
“Some. I’m still learnin’. Gettin’ easier everyday, though. I can write some, too. Now iffen I could just talk better. But—” she sighed heavily “—I talked this way my whole life and the words fall out before I have a chance to correct them.”
Michael set his coffee down and pulled Selina’s hands into his. “Selina, I think it’s great that you’re learning to read and write…for your sake. But…I don’t want you to change the way you talk. I like it.”
“You—you do?”
“But I heard you tell Jess I talked funny.”
She heard that? What else had she overheard? “I must admit, it did bother me at first, but now I like it.” He kissed her hand. “It’s you.”
Her face lit up like a candle in a dark room. She smiled. “I’ll be right back.” She whirled and ran upstairs.
Minutes later, the rustle of skirts drifted over to him. He glanced toward the stairs. His breath hitched and his heart bucked like a wild horse in response to seeing her in a soft pink cotton dress that showed off her feminine curves. He couldn’t wait to show her off in town.
Twenty minutes later, Michael stopped in front of Marcel Mercantile. The first person he saw was Ethel. He groaned, knowing how cruel the woman could be and knowing that she had spread rumors about how he had feelings for her daughter.
He helped Selina down from the wagon and draped his arm around her shoulder. “Morning, Ethel.”
“Morning, Michael.” Ethel turned to Selina. “You sure look nice, Selina. I heard how you helped save Rainee and her son’s life. And Sadie, well, she can’t say enough good things about you.” The woman babbled on and on about all of Selina’s attributes. “Next time you’re in town, drop in. I live in the green house at the end of this street.”
If Michael hadn’t heard it for himself, he would have never believed it. Ethel being kind? Inviting Selina to her home? Ethel never invited anyone to her home.
They finished gathering their supplies and headed back to the ranch.
At the house, Michael had just finished unloading the wagon, when Doc Berg came to the door.
“Is Selina home?”
“Yes, she’s inside. Why?”
“The Barrison twins’ wagon rolled over and I’m headed to their house now. Your place was on the way, and after I saw the great job she did sewing Jake’s head, I thought I would see if Selina would be willing to come and help me. That is, if you don’t mind.”
“I don’t mind. But it’s up to her. How are Bo and Sam?” Michael asked as they headed into the house.
“Won’t know until I get there.”
They stepped into the kitchen. Selina was standing at the sink. “Selina, Doc’s here. He needs your help.”
Selina wiped her hands off on her apron. “What can I do for you, Doc?” She removed her apron and hung it on a peg near the sink.
He explained the situation.
“You don’t mind iffen I go, do you, Michael?”
“Before you decide,” Doc interjected, “you need to know she won’t be home until way after dark. It takes almost an hour alone to get there.”
“No, I don’t mind. I have a lot of work to get caught up on this afternoon anyway.”
“Thank you, Michael.” She kissed his cheek and headed out the door with Doctor Berg.
Hours later, after branding and fixing fences, Michael made his way home. A light was on inside his house. He knew it wasn’t Selina—she hadn’t gotten back yet and wouldn’t be home until later that evening.
Lately, a few shady prospectors looking for gold had started making themselves at home in other people’s houses when they were not at home.
Michael pulled his derringer out of his boot and crept up the steps, careful to not make a sound. At the window, he stayed back far enough to not be seen and peeked inside.
What in the…?
Who was that?
He took a minute to study the woman sitting on his sofa.