“Jake, what are you doing here?”
“I heard about Selina’s accident and thought I’d stop by to see if she was okay.”
Selina fussed with her hair, putting even more distance between them.
“She’s better now. Thank you.” Michael only glanced at her.
“Glad to hear it. I was sure worried about you.”
“Won’t you come to the house and sit a spell, Jake? I’ll fetch us somethin’ to drink.”
“I’d like that.”
He might, but Michael wouldn’t.
Selina and Jake walked side by side toward the house, leaving Michael to walk with Kitty. He wanted to say something, but he didn’t want to sound like a jealous, insecure husband.
Jake stopped and turned around. “Michael, did you know that Mr. Drakes is selling out? I was just telling Selina about it.”
“No. I hadn’t heard that. Why?” He picked up his pace and without being too obvious he stepped between Jake and Selina.
“The missus is tired of the long winters. She wants to go back east and live in the city. Told him if he didn’t, she was going without him.”
Michael’s gut twisted.
Jake looked past Michael to Selina. “Can’t picture you ever living in the city.”
“Ain’t never lived in a city before. Don’t plan on it, neither.”
His stomach relaxed.
She scurried ahead of them, sprinted up the steps and disappeared inside the house.
Jake turned his attention back to Michael. “I hope you know how lucky you are to have found someone like her.”
“I do.”
Loneliness covered Jake’s eyes.
“Hey, why don’t you place an ad? Maybe you can get lucky, too.”
“I’ve been thinking about it. I used to think people who did that were desperate. No offense, buddy.”
“None taken.”
“But there aren’t many women around here who can handle the harsh winters. Even though the town’s grown and the train comes through here now, the women still don’t seem to stick around. Especially them city women. Good thing you got yourself a good country woman and not some highfalutin city lady.”
Michael had never thought about that. What if the woman in the letters had turned out to be one of those who couldn’t handle the harsh winters? Without a doubt, his fears really would have come true then.
They stepped inside the house. Selina had coffee and oatmeal cookies ready for them. An hour later, Jake stood. “Well, I’d better get on home. Got chores to do.” He faced Selina. “Thanks for the coffee and cookies.” Jake turned to Michael. “Thanks for the visit.”
“Any time.” As soon as he said it, he wanted to snatch back his words. Every time Jake came, Selina and Jake talked while he remained quiet, having nothing at all to add. Those two would have made a great pair. The thought of them together felt like someone had slung a stone into his heart. They might make a good pair, but she was his wife, not Jake’s.
Standing outside on the porch, Selina said to Jake, “Are you comin’ to the after-harvest party tomorrow afternoon?”
“Nothing could stop me from coming. I’m looking forward to it. I’ll see you there. You too, Michael.”
“Yeah. See you tomorrow.” Just what he wanted to do, watch Jake occupy all of his wife’s time.
“He sure is nice. I enjoy talkin’ to him.”
“You two sure seem to have a lot to talk about.”
“We sure do.” She smiled. “Do you know he keeps a goat in his house?”
“Yes. I was sitting there when he said that. Remember?”
“Oh, yeah. That’s right. I plumb forgot.”
That hurt.
“Well, I’d better get supper on.”
“What do you mean, no?” Puzzlement darkened her brown eyes.
“Come on.” He clasped her hand in his.
Her steps were like a one-legged turtle. “Where we going?”
“You’ll see.” He led her upstairs into the east bedroom and stopped just outside the closed door. “Okay, now close your eyes.”
She eyed him suspiciously. “Why?”
“Come on, Selina. Just do it.”
Her chest heaved and she nodded.
Once her eyes were closed, he waved his hand in front to make sure she wasn’t peeking. Then he opened the door and led her inside. “Okay. You can open your eyes now.”
Her mouth dropped open and her eyes blinked. “Oh, Michael. Are those for me?”
“Who else would they be for? Of course they’re for you.”
Selina walked to the bed. She glanced at the silk slippers before picking up the blue silk dress and holding it under her chin. “I ain’t, I mean I have never had anythin’ this purt…pretty before.” She gazed up at him, then frowned. “But where would I ever wear anythin’ this fancy?”