He thanked his brother and headed back into town, racking his brains about what to do. “Michael, what did Jess just get through telling you not even ten minutes ago? God wants you to depend on Him—not yourself.” Michael’s voice echoed through the trees, bounced back at him and whipped him upside the head. “Didn’t you just read the other night about if you needed wisdom to ask God?”
Over the green rolling hills, he rode. He closed his eyes. “Lord. I need wisdom. You said if I asked for it, You’d give it to me. Well, Lord, I’m asking. Show me what to do about Selina. Give me wisdom beyond my own understanding because I sure need it right now.”
He opened his eyes and raised his head. “Even better, I’m asking for Your mercy and Your grace to heal Selina. I pray these things in Your Son’s name. Amen.” Peace unlike any he’d ever known before nested inside him.
Selina opened her eyes. The first thing she saw was Michael. “Hi.” She smiled.
“Hello yourself.” He leaned closer to her. “How are you feeling?”
“Better. My head doesn’t smart near as bad as it did.”
“Thank the Lord for answer to prayer.”
“You prayed for me?”
“Sure did. Does that surprise you?”
“Everything you do lately surprises me.”
“Makes life more interesting, right?”
She sat up.
Michael jumped up and propped an extra fluffy pillow behind her back.
“I sure could use somethin’ to drink.” She moved her tongue around inside her mouth, trying to moisten it.
“I’ll get Mrs. Berg.” He returned with a glass of water and a bowl of broth and sat down beside her.
Selina took the water from him. Concerned she might not be able to keep it down again, she sipped it. Her stomach was fine. She drank a little more. Still fine. Then a little more. She grinned. No more upset belly. “I’ll take that broth now.” Her hand reached out to Michael.
“You don’t feel sick?” Hope sparked his eyes.
“No. In fact, I’m so hungry I could eat the hide off a grizzly. Ain’t they got anything more than broth to eat around here?”
“Yep. You’re feeling better.” He smiled.
“I sure am. So you’d better watch it, mister. I just may feed you some more crawdad tails. Or better yet, some possum stew.”
His blue eyes widened. “You’re kidding right? Tell me you’re joking.”
Selina giggled. “I’m joshin’ you. But, just so you know, iffen we were back home in Kentucky, we would be eatin’ possum stew.”
“I’m glad we don’t live there.” The serious, relieved look on his face tickled Selina. And yet at the same time, she realized once again just how wide the gap was in their worlds. They sure did live differently.
Truth was…in the short time she’d been here, she was getting used to his ways and even liked some of them better. Some she didn’t. Like wearing dresses. She wasn’t sure she’d ever get used to that. Trousers were a whole heap better and more comfortable, too. Only thing was, trousers didn’t put a light in Michael’s eyes like dresses did.
His eyes held hers gently. “What you thinking about?”
Michael laughed. “Trousers? What about them?”
“Oh, I was thinkin’ how I’m still tryin’ to get used to not wearin’ them all the time.” She tapped his chest with her finger. “You’d better appreciate it, mister. I ain’t ever changed for anybody before. And to be honest with you, I’m not right sure how I feel about that or iffen I can ever learn to talk like y’all do. I’m sure you noticed I ain’t doin’ too good with that so far.”
“I hadn’t noticed.” His lips held a smirk.
“You’d better be nice to me, or I’ll fix you not only possum stew but gopher stew, too.”
“It’s nice to see you’re doing better. Even if I have to put up with your threats.” He grinned.
She smiled.
“I see someone is feeling better.” Doc Berg entered the room, smiling.
“I sure am. Can I go home now?”
He walked around the other side of the bed and gently pressed the back of her head. His eyebrows rose.
“What’s wrong?” Michael asked.
“Nothing’s wrong. I’m just surprised.”
“About what?”
“The lump is almost gone. This morning it was…and now it’s…” He shook his head. “I don’t understand.”
“I do. It’s called the power of prayer, Doc.”
“Does this mean I can go home?” Selina asked.