“Oh, my love.” Out of pure joy, Michael laughed again. “You’ve got it all wrong. It’s you I want. When you saw us hugging, I had just told her that I realized I love you. That I’m in love with you.”
She stopped squirming and looked up at him. “What?”
“I said…” He gazed down at her tenderly, willing his eyes to show the depth of love in his heart for her. “I love you, Selina.”
“You—you do?”
“That’s what I said.” He tossed her own words back at her with a hint of humor and a small smile.
“Oh, Michael, you mean it? You ain’t in love with Aimee?” Her eyes searched his.
“Now, how could I be in love with her when I’m so madly and completely in love with my wife?” He held on to her securely with one arm and pulled out a little cloth sack from his vest pocket with the other. He reached for her left hand and slipped the gold band with blue sapphires and diamonds onto her finger.
She gazed down at it. “A wedding ring? For me? It’s so beautiful.”
“So are you.” He cupped her chin and with a voice husky with love, he said, “And now, my love, I’m going to prove to you just how much I really do love you.” His lips touched hers. She surrendered her lips to his in the sweetest, most passionate kiss he’d ever received.
Nine months later, Michael paced the floor of their house. From their bedroom a loud cry pierced the air. He rushed inside.
“Here, Michael. Take your son.” Doc wrapped a blanket around him and handed the baby to him. “I have to deliver another one.”
“Another one?” Michael swallowed hard. Twins? Selina was giving birth to twins? Shocked to the essence of his being, all he could do was stare into the face of his son until he heard another cry. His attention flew to Doc. “Another boy?” he asked.
“No. This one’s a girl.”
Michael gazed over at Selina. Their eyes joined as their hearts and bodies had so many months before. Contentment wrapped around him like the blankets around his children. Children.
He was a father.
And a husband.
Michael thanked God that He hadn’t answered his prayers the way Michael thought He should. That the Lord knew what was best for him and had blessed Michael far beyond any desire he’d ever had the day God sent him a very unlikely wife in trousers.
* * * * *
Dear Reader,
Difference isn’t always easy, is it? Yet those differences make life interesting. How boring life would be if we all looked, acted, dressed and talked alike. If every bird, tree, flower and scent resembled one another. I’m so glad God made His entire creation unique. Those diversities make for such a fun, interesting life, don’t you think? Yet how many times do we reject those differences based on appearance only? Look at what Michael would have lost out on if he had rejected Selina based solely on her outward appearance. He almost did. I’m so glad he was a Godly man who honored his vows even though Selina wasn’t what he’d desired in a wife. Or so he thought. But God knew differently. He knew what Michael really needed. Michael learned that outward appearance does not represent the heart and soul of a person, that God cares enough about people to send His best, and that God’s ways and God’s plans are unfailing.
Thank you for reading my story The Unlikely Wife.
Debra Ullrick
Questions for Discussion
Is there someone you have judged by their outward appearance as Michael had Selina? Please explain.
Like Selina had done with rich folks, have you ever clumped a certain type of people together and deemed them all alike based on your personal experiences?
How would you deal with finding out the person you thought you loved was really a stranger? Do you feel Michael handled the situation with Selina well?
How would you have handled Selina’s different ways?
What do you think it would be like not to be able to read or write?
What talents do you have that others would never guess you have, like Selina and her doctoring skills and artistic ability?
What are current stereotypical male and female social rules or standards?
If you were stuck with someone you couldn’t get along with, what would you do differently than Michael did?
What would you do if you loved someone who didn’t love you back?
Would you change who you are to please another? If so, where do you draw the line at changing who you are to please someone?
What options do you think were solutions to Selina and Michael’s ill-conceived marriage? Divorce? Annulment? Something else?
Michael had a fantasy woman who he thought would make him happy. In what way is the experience of love often different in real life than in movies and books?