Chapter Sixteen
Clean and refreshed from his dip in the creek, Michael headed to the house and stepped inside. In front of the fireplace, with her back to him, Selina stood wearing a blue dress and matching ribbon in her hair that flowed freely past her waist. He was glad she hadn’t left, but things were far from settled between them and he knew he had a lot of ground to make up with her.
“You look beautiful, Selina.” He wanted to step toward her but his feet wouldn’t move, and that was a good thing because he didn’t know what he would do.
“You look mighty fine yourself.”
“Shall we go?”
“I’m ready whenever you are.”
“What all needs to go?”
“That picnic basket.” She pointed to the large basket on the table.
“What’s in here?” He picked it up and opened the lid to find cloth-covered platters nestled inside. One peek and he saw his favorite cookies, Swedish oatmeal cookies, Brunscrackers, and his favorite one of all—Swedish tea cookies. The thought of the buttery sandwich cookies with the buttercream frosting in the middle made his mouth water. When he reached to grab one, she slapped him on the hand.
“Those are for the party.”
“What if they all get eaten before I have a chance to get any? Can’t I have just one of each?”
“I know they’re your favorites, so I made plenty of extras for you. They’re in the cookie jar.” Was there no end to her sweetness? Making his favorite cookies. She really was a thoughtful little thing. He shoved his arm through the picnic basket handles and scooped it up, then offered her his other arm.
She looped her arm through his, and out the door and down the steps they went. “You brung, I mean, you brought the buggy?” Surprise fluttered through her eyes, eyes that endeared her to him.
“Can’t have my wife walking and getting all dusty, now can I?”
The scent of roses surrounded her.
He set the basket on the floor of the carriage and offered her a hand up. She settled her skirt, and he climbed in next to her. Their shoulders brushed, then melded together.
Michael looked at her and smiled.
Innocent eyes gazed up at him, blinking, and her lips parted.
Like a moth drawn to flames, those sweet lips lured him to her until he found himself leaning into her and capturing her mouth in a brief but pulsating kiss.
Their lips separated and they smiled at each other before he picked up the reins. Maybe things would work after all. “Giddyup.” Michael turned his horse toward the ranch yard. A quick glance at his wife and his shoulders straightened. This time he would not be embarrassed to ride in with her. Not because the lady who’d worn trousers when he’d first introduced her to everyone was now wearing a dress and looked prettier than a field of buttercups. No, it was because she was beautiful on the inside and he was proud to call her his wife.
Joining the reins in one hand, he reached over and clasped hers.
Her gaze slid to their adjoined hands, then turned up at him, questioning him with a look only. He answered with one of his own—admiration and pride.
Buggies and wagons nestled against the base of the trees in the ranch yard. Tepid air drifted down the mountain, but the sun balanced it, making it a warm, but not too scorching, day.
“There’s Rainee. I can’t wait to see Haydon Junior again.”
He parked the buggy and helped her down. His eyes scanned the crowd of neighbors. Unlike the last time they’d gathered together, surprised looks were quickly replaced with admiration.
He grabbed the picnic basket with one arm and offered her the other, leading her into the crowd.
Women gathered around Selina, gushing about how beautiful she looked and crowding him away from her. “I’ll go put this on the table,” he said over the flock of ladies’ heads.
She nodded and turned her attention back to the women.
On his way to add their basket, Rainee, carrying Haydon Junior, came walking toward him.
“Hello, Michael,” Rainee said passing him by.
“Whoa, just a minute there. Where are you going in such a hurry that you can’t even stop and let Uncle Michael see his nephew?”
“I wanted to see Selina.”
“Seems like you and everyone else.” He glanced over to where she stood.
“She sure looks lovely.”
“She sure does.”
“Her reading has improved greatly, too.”
Shock slammed into him. “Her reading?”
“Yes, she—” Rainee stopped. Her eyes widened in horror. “Oh, Michael. I was not supposed to say anything. She would be quite displeased if she knew I had. Oh, my. Please, do not tell her I told you. It slipped out.”