Page 74 of The Unlikely Wife

“It sure does,” Doc said. “But you need to rest and take it easy for a few days. And gradually introduce solid food as you can tolerate it.”

“Will do, Doc.” She tossed the covers aside and set her feet on the floor. “Where’s my clothes?”

Doc laughed. “They’re in here.” He walked over to a large cabinet, opened the door and lifted her clothes off a hook. “The wife washed them for you.”

“That was mighty nice of her. Please be sure to tell her thank you for me.”

“I’ll do that. I’ll leave and let you get dressed. Don’t forget—nothing strenuous for a few days, young lady.”

“I’ll try.”

“I’ll see to it.” Michael sent her his take-charge look. She sent one of her own back at him. Nothing would stop her from helping with the after-harvesting party. Nothing.

After what seemed like forever, Michael pulled the buggy to a stop in front of the house. “Stay,” he ordered.

She rolled her eyes, but wanting to please him, she obeyed.

He came around, swooped her into his arms and carried her onto the porch. “Close your eyes. I have a surprise for you.”

Her eyes closed, he carried her inside and put her down. “You can open your eyes now.”

“Oh, my.” Her hands went to her face. “Oh, Michael.” She walked over to the kitchen table and picked up the drawing she had done of her home back in Kentucky.

He stepped up behind her. “Do you like it?”

She turned and clutched her picture in the beautifully handmade frame to her chest. Tears leaked from her eyes but she didn’t even care. “Like it? Oh, Michael, I love it. Thank you.” She threw her arms around him and pressed her head into his chest.

“I thought we would hang it above the fireplace mantel, if that’s okay with you. Then when you get lonesome for home, you could look at it.”

“That’s the sweetest, most thoughtful thing anyone’s ever done for me.” She stood on her tiptoes and pulled his head down to hers and kissed him. Every ounce of love she had for him she poured into that kiss. When he responded and didn’t push her away, her heart smiled with even more hope.

Chapter Fifteen

“Selina! What are you doing?” Michael wrinkled his nose at the smell of wet pig. “You’re not supposed to be doing anything strenuous, remember?”

“I ain’t. I’m just givin’ Kitty a bath. Besides, it’s been four days since Doc told me to take it easy.”

“What do I have to do, tie you to the bed?”

“You’d have to catch me first.” She kept her eye on Michael while she continued scrubbing the sow.

“That can be arranged.” He cocked his head, wiggled his eyebrows and took a step toward her.

Selina tossed the bucket of cold water on him, drenching the whole front side of him.

He sucked in a sharp breath. “Oh, you’re going to pay for that one.”

Selina tossed the bucket aside and darted off through the trees.

Michael followed her and so did Kitty, oinking all the way.

Last time he had chased Selina, she’d gotten away. This time he was ready. He glanced upward, behind him and off to the sides, making sure she didn’t take him by surprise again.

Branches rustled nearby.

From the corner of his eye, he spotted her ducked behind a bush. He stopped and let out a dramatic, disappointed sigh. “Well, Kitty. It looks like we lost her. We’ll just go back to the house and wait for her.” Turning on his heel, he walked past Selina, pretending not to see her.

Kitty waddled behind him.

Suddenly, he whirled and latched on to Selina. “Got ya.” He started tickling her neck and shoulders with one hand while the other held her tight.

In between giggles, she said, “Remember. I’m not supposed to do anythin’ strenuous.”

“If you can wash that pig, you’re well enough to get tickled.” His fingers found the spot on her waist that made her squirm the most.

“Stop, stop,” she begged through her laughter.

“Not until you promise you’ll rest.”

“Kitty, help me!”

Kitty stuck her snout in the air and shifted her head back and forth between them.

“She can’t help you. Now promise me, or I’ll keep it up.”

Without warning, her lips latched on to his.

Shock rippled through him so ferociously that he froze. Then as if his fingers had a mind of their own, they snaked their way through her hair at the back of her head. Michael pulled her closer.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and smiled at him.

“Uh-hmm. Am I interrupting anything?”

They yanked apart. Jake. Michael groaned. The man’s timing was terrible.