Mrs. Berg, the sweet brown-haired lady who carried herself with poise and grace, entered the room. “You still feeling sick?”
“Yes, ma’am. I am.”
“How’s your head?”
“Feels like someone took a sling shot and slung a rock at it.”
Mrs. Berg leaned over and peered at the back of her head. When she moved back in front of Selina, her gray eyes were comforting.
“That was so sweet of your husband to bring you those goldenrods and asters,” Mrs. Berg said.
Selina glanced at them again. So that’s what they were…goldenrods and asters. “Michael was here? When?”
“Early this morning. He stayed quite a while. You were sleeping so soundly he didn’t want to wake you, especially after the night you had. He asked me to tell you that he was here and that he’d be back later.”
Disappointed she has missed him, she wanted to pick up the flowers and smell them, but her stomach hadn’t settled. “You got any ginger?”
“Ginger? No. Why?”
“’Cause nothin’ works better for an upset belly than ginger.”
“I’m sorry. We don’t have any. Would you like me to bring you more broth?”
“No. No.” She waved her hand. That was the last thing she wanted. “What I would like is to go home.”
“I can’t let you do that. My husband wants to make sure you’re better before he lets you leave here.”
“But I have to go. We’re havin’ an end-of-harvestin’ party at the ranch, and I wanna help.”
“Well, even if you could go home, you’re going to have to take it easy for a few days anyway.”
Selina hated sitting around, wasn’t used to it. She liked to keep busy. Normally no aching head would stop her, but she’d promised Michael, and she wouldn’t go back on her word.
“Do you have any mendin’ that needs doin’? I’ve gotta have somethin’ to do.”
“I do. But I’m not bringing it to you, dear. You need to rest.”
“Can’t rest. I don’t want to. I want to—”
“Are you giving Mrs. Berg a hard time?” Michael strode into the room looking more handsome than anyone had a right to. He looked at Selina with raised eyebrows then at Mrs. Berg. “Hello again, Mrs. Berg. I’m sorry. I can’t leave my wife alone for a minute without her giving someone a hard time. She’s one stubborn, determined woman.”
Selina crossed her arms. “I ain’t stubborn. Just don’t like bein’ stuck in bed is all.”
“Well, like it or not, doctor’s orders.”
“Hmmpft. Don’t you got chores to do or somethin’?”
“Nope. Finished them so I could come here and bother you.”
“I’m sick, remember?”
“I’ll leave you two alone.” Mrs. Berg looked from one to the other with a smile on her face. She turned and headed toward the door. “Young lovers are so cute.”
Selina felt the blush from the tip of her toes plumb up to tip of her head. Lovers? If only the woman knew. “Thank you kindly for the flowers, Michael.”
“I knew you would enjoy them. You enjoy everything.”
Not everything. She didn’t enjoy knowing Michael didn’t love her. Oh, he was trying to and all, but love didn’t shine through his eyes. Not the way it did betwixt her ma and pa and her friends who had married for love.
“What are you thinking about?”
“You.” Again heat fired up her cheeks.
“What about me?” He took her hand in his.
“Was mighty thoughtful of you to bring me flowers. When did you find time to do that?”
“Early this morning. On the way here, I picked them.”
“I was sure sorry I didn’t get to see you earlier.”
“I didn’t want to wake you. Doc Berg said you were up sick all night. How are you feeling now?”
“Not too good. I’d feel a whole lot better iffen I was at home in my own bed.”
“Now, Selina. You know what Doc said.”
“I know, I know. But I don’t have to like it.”
He sat on the bed and pulled her into his arms. “I hate seeing you like this.”
“I hate bein’ like this.”
He held her and gently rocked her and she let him.
Michael held her in his arms until she fell sound asleep.
Doc Berg stepped into the room.
Michael held a finger to his lips and pointed to her.
“She sleeping?” Doc Berg whispered. “That’s good. You should go and let her get some rest.”
He didn’t want to go. He’d just gotten here. Besides, it was lonely around the house without her. Boring even. As much as he hated to admit it, he was getting used to her antics, her high-spirited ways, even to having critters in the house and strange foods on the table. Truth was, it just felt odd being there by himself.