“Home. Family. Security. Getting the ranch will enable me to have that.”

He’d gone from we to me. So he’d never intended to include her in his vision of the future. Silly her. Holding back the tears that stung her eyes, she kept any trace of emotion from her voice and pasted on a dim smile. “I’m glad for you. Chloe is my reason to start over.”

The baby finished nursing and Louise raised her to her shoulder to burp her.

Nate cupped the bald little head. “What better reason can there be?”

“None.” But having a home, family and security shared with Nate sounded awfully nice, too. If she had to start over, and she had no choice but to do so, she could think of no other way that would satisfy her more than to start over with the one person with whom she’d shared her past.

Unfortunately, the past was dead and gone. Nate meant to move on. Louise would have to start over on her own. Only not alone. She had Chloe and would do her utmost to give her child the love and security Louise had so desperately longed for all her life.

* * *

Nate now understood Louise had stayed in an attempt to hold on to the home and love she’d found with the Porter family. He understood her need for security and stability.

It was all he could do not to blurt out a request for Louise to consider making the marriage permanent. They could build a future together. Raise Chloe together. Nate could give Louise the home she wanted. And he already loved Chloe.

But he couldn’t take advantage of her fragile state at the moment. The doctor had made it clear that Louise was both physically and mentally exhausted. No, he’d do the right thing and wait until they reached the ranch and she’d had time to rest and regain her strength before he suggested they join forces.

In the meantime, he meant to take care of her and the baby. He rose to his feet. “I have a couple of errands to run. I’ll be back in a moment.”

Alarm flared through her eyes before she could stop it and then she quenched it and smiled. “You go tend to your matters. I don’t need a caregiver.”

He squeezed her shoulder gently. “I won’t go more than a few steps outside the door. Like I said, I don’t intend to take my eyes off you until I have you safely at Eden Valley Ranch.”

Again her emotions filled her eyes before she could control them. This time gratitude, then she nodded. “I’m fine.”

Two words he had come to despise. I’m fine. When she was not. What he wouldn’t give for her to just once turn to him and ask for his help.

He strode from the room before he could give voice to his frustration and ask if she ever would.

A Mountie stood outside the outer door.

“Have they found that man yet?” Nate asked.

The corporal understood Nate meant Vic. “No, sir. And I’m to stay here and keep guard until they do.”

“That’s reassuring.”

“Yes, sir.”

With a guard at the door, Nate could spare a few minutes away from Louise’s bedside, so he trotted to the hotel.

Kamoose looked up at Nate’s entrance and grunted. “Supper is over long ago but I heard about the adventure you’ve had with your wife and saved food for both of you. How is she?”

“A little banged up and bruised but okay, I think. The doctor is keeping her there for now so he can watch her.”

“Don’t you worry, young man. The Mounties will bring that man to justice. Count on it.”

“I am. Is my sister-in-law upstairs?”

Missy must have heard his voice, or perhaps she’d been waiting for him to show up, because she clattered down the stairs. “Where’s Louise and the baby? Are they okay?”

He repeated his report. “Could you get her things? And Chloe’s?”

Before he finished, Missy was halfway up the stairs. “I’ll get mine, too,” she called over her shoulder.


She stopped and looked at him.

“I’m staying with her, so you might as well enjoy your bed tonight.”

She looked at him a long thirty seconds, then sighed. “I guess that makes sense. But I want to see her.”

“Then get her things and come along with me.”

“I’ll get the plates of food.” Kamoose disappeared into the dining room and reappeared with two plates generously rounded up with food and covered with cloths. “Bring the plates back when you’re done.”