Somehow she could not imagine carrying on without him.

“My baby,” she managed to protest before Mrs. Noble eased her down on the bed and lifted her legs to the covers where she casually removed Louise’s shoes.

“I’ll get your husband to bring in the baby.” She spread a quilt over Louise and strode away with firm, purposeful steps, leaving Louise alone with the doctor.

“My advice is for you to take it very easy. Get as much rest as possible.” Dr. Noble proceeded to itemize all the things that could happen if she didn’t.

“I’ll be fine.” Louise saw no reason to tell him she hoped to continue her journey as soon as Nate could arrange it.

A few minutes later, Nate followed Mrs. Noble into the room.

Louise tried to smile, but at the worry in Nate’s face she found it impossible. “Is Chloe okay?”

With one foot, Nate dragged a chair to the side of the bed and sat. “She wasn’t happy about being left on a surface that didn’t move, but as soon as I rocked her, she settled down.” He lowered the baby into Louise’s arms and folded back the blanket to reveal Chloe’s face. The baby blinked at the light and puckered her mouth.

Louise laughed though it choked off with a sob. “I thought I might never see her again.”

Nate touched the dressing the doctor had put over the cut on Louise’s forehead. His fingers trailed along her hairline as he examined her for any further sign of damage. His eyes met hers, full of so many things she couldn’t be sure what she saw. Relief and worry? Surprise and regret? Though she could think of no reason for either of the latter two.

“You gave me an awful fright, Louise. When I couldn’t find you—” He swallowed hard and seemed unable to continue. “Then I found Chloe. I knew you would never leave her. Not unless something awful had happened.” Again he choked off.

He bent closer and kissed her forehead. “Louise Hawkins, what am I going to do with you?”

I like what you’re doing just fine. But she couldn’t make the words leave her mouth.

He lifted his head enough to look into her face, searching deep into her thoughts. He trailed his thumb along her cheek and smiled. “I might never again let you out of my sight. That way I can make sure you’re safe.”

The smile she gave him came from an unfamiliar place in the depths of her heart, a place where her dreams and wishes resided in secrecy. “I might like that,” she whispered.

His gaze went on and on, then shifted to her lips.

Her mouth dried as if she’d been lost on the barren prairie in the heat of summer as she realized he wanted to kiss her.

And she wanted him to.

She closed her eyes and tipped her face to welcome his kiss.

“Louise, don’t ever scare me like that again.” His words whispered across her skin and then his lips met hers as he claimed her promise.

Then he withdrew, a bemused smile upon his mouth.

One, she imagined, that matched her own.

Chloe fussed, drawing their attention to her.

“It’s time to feed her.” Louise’s voice sounded husky in her own ears.

“Poor baby has been more than patient.” Nate grabbed pillows from the nearby bed and propped Louise up. He turned his back as she arranged Chloe in her arms. As soon as she was covered, Louise told him, “You can sit down again.”

Nate swung the chair around and straddled it, leaning on the back as he studied Louise.

His intensity made her look away. “What are you thinking?” she asked, not really wanting to know. Before he could answer, she rushed on, “I know you’re in a hurry to get to Edendale. You can leave us here—Missy and me and the baby. No need to let us delay you.”

He chuckled, pulling her gaze back to his. “Didn’t you hear me say I don’t intend to let you out of my sight? Especially with Vic out there somewhere?”

“The Mounties will soon capture him.” She forced confidence into her voice even though terror forged a cruel trail through her insides. What if Vic circled around and came back?

“Until they do, I don’t intend to leave you alone.” Every word was a firm promise.

She wanted to believe him, wanted it to be true. Oh, how she wanted it to be real. “But what about your ranch? The man you need to see?”