Before he could change his mind and stay, he turned and followed the others racing to fight the fire.

* * *

Louise watched Nate run to fight the fire. Part of her was proud of his quickness to rush to the aid of others. Part of her worried he might be in danger. Lord, keep him safe.

They had been on their way back to the hotel, but she wasn’t anxious to return on her own and sit in the little room or stay in the lobby and stare at Kamoose. Neither option offered any pleasure, although she’d been anticipating going to the dining room and sitting across the table from Nate. Not that she hadn’t done it for the past nine days, but being in a proper dining room made it seem different.

Though how proper could a dining room be that said it used the sheets off the beds for tablecloths?

Perhaps her restlessness only resulted from her improved mood after Mrs. Noble’s visit. The woman had shown her how to make the baby nurse properly, had assured her the infant showed no signs of being in pain and told her what things she needed to watch for.

Louise’s life felt good and right at the moment.

Her measured steps had brought her to the store. Some dried apples would taste real fine right about now. She shifted Chloe into one arm and opened the door. The store smelled like old cheese and coal oil and a few things she didn’t care to give a label to.

At her request, the storekeeper dug out a handful of dried apples and wrapped them for her. She paid for them and left the store without another thought.

Out in the cold, as she turned her steps toward the hotel, she checked on Chloe, making sure the baby was still well wrapped. She looked up in time to sidestep a man. But she paid him no mind at all. She wanted to get back to the hotel and enjoy her apples.

“Well, well, if it ain’t just the person I’ve been looking for.”

That voice. It sent fingers of fear up and down her spine. She’d recognize it anywhere. It belonged to the last person in the world she wanted to ever see again.

Louise lifted her head and gave Vic her fiercest scowl. She should have known he would follow them. “Why aren’t you back in Rocky Creek carrying out your nefarious deeds?”

He sneered. “I don’t understand those big words and you know it, Miss High and Mighty.” He saw the bundle in her arms. “And now ya got yerself a baby. How nice.” He rubbed his greedy hands together as if already enjoying the money the child represented to him.

Louise managed not to reveal her loathing and fear. “And a husband, remember?”

“Did you think that would stop me?”

Truth was, she had hoped it would. At least it meant she had the law on her side.

Vic crowded to the side where she held the baby. He pinched her elbow. A passerby might think he was being solicitous and guiding her along, but that was only because they didn’t hear his whispered words. “One sound out of you or any attempt to get away and I’ll make sure that precious little bundle of yers goes flying.”

She had no reason to doubt both his ability and his intention of doing exactly what he said. The best she could do was drag her feet without being obvious, in the hopes someone from the stagecoach who knew her would see her and intervene.

Where was Nate when she needed him?

Gone helping others. Something she’d admired just moments ago but that now put her nerves on edge.

Trust God. Seemed He was the only one whom she could count on.

Her prayer was simple but never more heartfelt. God, help me get away from this evil man. Protect Chloe.

Chapter Sixteen

It turned out to be a chimney fire and was soon extinguished.

Nate stopped only long enough to wash the dirt from his hands before he jogged back to the hotel.

Kamoose looked startled at his entrance. “What’d you do with the missus?”

“I went to help with the fire. I’ll bring her down now for supper.”

“Bring her from where?”

“Why, from her room.” He pointed up the stairs.

“I didn’t see her come in and I was here the whole time.”

“You must have missed her.” He took the steps three at a time and banged on the door.

Missy pulled it open. “Is it supper time? I’m ready.” She closed the door behind her.

“Where’s Louise?”