Louise liked to cling to what had once been, but wouldn’t she soon have a baby? Didn’t that mean she had to plan for the future?

He was about to say he’d seen her with Vic, when she leaned forward and started to talk.

“I want to leave. Go to Eden Valley Ranch.”

He nodded. Would have said he thought it a good idea but she didn’t give him an opportunity.

“I obviously can’t ride a horse all that way. In my condition. I can buy us tickets on the stagecoach,” she said. “I already made inquiries.”


“But—” Her head jerked up and her fierce gaze left him speechless. She had something in mind and she meant to get it done. She lowered her gaze, enabling him to release his breath. She studied the top of the table. “If Missy and I try to go alone, I fear Vic will stop us.” She lifted her head, her eyes this time filled with what he could only say was a mixture of sorrow and fear. She shuddered.

He knew she had every right to be afraid of Vic. The man would stop at nothing to get what he wanted. He wished he could offer her escape, but he didn’t see how he could.

“What I need,” she continued, her voice strong and steady, “is a man to protect us.”

He knew from the look in her eyes she meant him. But they’d already had this discussion. Accompanying her would get her away from Vic, but it would ruin both the women’s reputations. Even a widow’s expecting a child.

He wished he could protect Missy and Louise. But what could he do?

“Louise, I’ve already told you I can’t—”

She cut him off with a wave of her hand. “I have the perfect solution.” She straightened in the chair and drew in a long breath. “You and I can get married.”

“Married?” No other word came to his mind.

“Marry me and take us to Eden Valley Ranch.”

“Marry?” Still he was capable of saying nothing else.

Her eyes narrowed. “This is the Porters’ grandchild. Gordie’s child. Doesn’t that mean anything to you? After all they did for us? They gave us a family when our own were too busy.”

She was right, but he needed to see Mountain Mike and buy his ranch. The thought of his land seemed to ground him and allowed him to think sanely again. “But the place I’m looking to buy has only a tiny cabin. Only big enough for a man. Not two women and a baby.” Then again, if a man and a woman loved each other, the small quarters wouldn’t be a problem. A persistent hope sprang to his mind.

“I’m only suggesting a pretend marriage until we get there. Then we can have it annulled.” She widened her eyes as tears glistened in them.

A pretend marriage? Was such a thing possible?

“Must you look so shocked? Am I so unappealing?”

He managed to shake his head. Seemed the power of speech had abandoned him again. Then, seeing how she struggled to keep the pooling tears from overflowing, he started to reach for her hands. He stopped himself because he had no right. “Marriage isn’t like buying a ticket for the stagecoach. It’s a lifetime commitment.”

Her eyes pinned him with dark fierceness. “Only real marriages are forever. You don’t love me. I don’t love you. We both know it’s not for real.”

Her words scraped through his insides. A person couldn’t be much clearer than that about their feelings. Even knowing she was only asking to use him, he considered her request. Marriage gave him the right to tell Vic to leave Louise and Missy alone. He could protect her, get her to safety.

He nodded. “Very well. Let’s get married.”

She blinked and then blinked again. “Really?”

“You heard me.”

She sprang to her feet and rushed to his side to hug him. “Thank you. Thank you. You will not regret this. I promise.”

He hoped not. But already doubts had sprung from the corners of his mind. How could he pretend to do something that, a long time ago, he’d dreamed of?

Chapter Two

Louise returned to her chair and studied Nate. He’d said yes without much of an argument. Why was he so agreeable? But she wasn’t about to guess at his reasons so long as he got them safely to their destination.