Phil came in. She must have noticed Louise’s damp cheek, because she said, “You’re feeling vulnerable right now and that’s normal. It won’t take long for you to get your strength back and more.”

“That’s good to hear. How did you get to be such an expert on birthing and babies?”

Phil chuckled. “My mama was a midwife. A very good one, if I do say so myself. Before she died, I helped her on many occasions.”

“Seems God prepared you to be here when I needed you. Or me to be here when I needed you. I’m not sure which.”

“And it doesn’t matter. We both know God brought us together at the right time just as He always does.”

Louise clung to the idea of God bringing her to the right person at the right time. Maybe He’d done the same thing many times and she simply hadn’t noticed.

Like bringing Nate home when she and Missy needed to escape Vic?

Like having Nate agree to marry her? No, she couldn’t believe God had a hand in that or even approved of it.

“Does God really care about people even when they do bad things?” she asked Philomena.

Phil sat on the edge of the bed. “You don’t have to read much in the Bible to know He does. Just think of the children of Israel. God rescued them with many miraculous signs. You’d think they’d never forget that, but they did time and time and time again. But He never forgot them. Sometimes He let them suffer for their sins but only in order to turn them back to Him. Our God is a great and loving God.” She patted Louise’s hands. “Now I’ll get little miss Chloe who is fussing for her mama, then you need to get some sleep. Are you planning to resume your journey tomorrow?”

Louise nodded.

“You will need to get plenty of rest and make sure the baby is kept warm,” Phil advised her.

“I wish you could come with us.”

“I belong here for now. But you are most welcome to stay with me if you want.”

“I have to go on.”

“I know. Follow your heart. God will be with you each step of the way.”

Phil left Louise with the baby and plenty to think about. Her words strengthened Louise.

The next morning came far too early. Louise had been up several times in the night with the baby and wished she could sleep another four hours. But she had no intention of being the cause of another delay or being left behind. She might be safe here for now, maybe for the winter, but if Vic showed up, she had little defense and no desire to pull Phil into her situation.

She slipped from the covers, moving quietly, lest she disturb the sleeping baby.

She put on her dress and ran her hand down the tummy. It was not quite flat, but she could see her feet. Feet that felt farther away than they should because of her slightly wobbly legs.

The next few days until they reached the ranch would be challenging, but she could handle it.

The noise and voices beyond the bedroom door informed her that the others were up, and she straightened and stepped out to face them.

Missy rushed to her side. “Are you ready to be up?”

“Ready as I’ll ever be.” No one would ever know how much effort it took to stand tall and steady.

Nate stood by the stove. He looked at her, his eyes filled with concern, and then he smiled as if glad to see her. Her heart fluttered at the thought, then she settled it down with the facts of her situation. Likely he had been concerned she might cost them another delay.

Phil insisted Louise sit down and brought her a cup of coffee. “Strong and fresh. Just what you need. And lots of oatmeal.” She filled Louise’s bowl and signaled the others to join them at the table.

Louise dug in as soon as the blessing had been asked and cleaned up the porridge in record time. She was hungry enough to eat two bowlfuls but would never have asked.

Phil looked at her empty bowl and laughed as she filled it again. “My mama said a woman feeding a baby eats for two. She needs lots and lots of good food.” She turned to Nate. “You be sure she gets it.”

He laughed. “Yes, ma’am. I’ll do my best.”

As they prepared to leave, Phil filled a syrup pail with cookies and biscuits, and handed it to Louise. “In case you don’t get enough north of here.”