Nate’s thoughts slammed into his brain with a viciousness that was reminiscent of Vic’s behavior. “What do you mean? Are you suggesting what I think you are?”

She nodded. “I believe Vic killed him. I told the marshal my suspicions, but he could find no proof.”

Nate bolted to his feet, so full of anger and frustration he couldn’t stand still. “Why didn’t you tell me sooner when I could have done something about it? I should go back and bring Vic to justice.”

She tried to stand, but her face grew as white as the sheets on the bed.

He grabbed her and edged her back to the mattress. “What are you doing?”

“Trying to stop you.” She grabbed his arms. “Promise me you won’t go after Vic. He has absolutely no scruples. Let it go. Please. Remember what you said to me? Forget the past. Look to the future. Promise you won’t go back.”

He couldn’t stand to see her so worked up, even though he experienced a little thrill that she cared so much. “Okay. I promise. I won’t go back to Rocky Creek except to visit my ma.”

“And you’ll stay away from Vic?”

“Yes, I’ll stay away from Vic.”

She let out a gust of air. “Thank you. If anything happens to you—” She broke off. “Never mind. So long as you get us to the ranch as you said.”

“I always do my best to keep my word.” He sat beside her again and they watched baby Chloe sleep.

“Nate, don’t be mad at me at what I’m about to say.”

“I think I can handle it.” He’d been exposed to surprise after surprise and he had maintained his self-control.

Her voice dropped to a whisper. “Sometimes I am angry at God.”

He nodded, not knowing what he could say to that.

She clutched the hem of the sheet and twisted it round and round.

He thought about telling her to have a care for the fabric. Phil wouldn’t appreciate having her linens ripped, but he sensed the action would distract Louise from her troublesome thoughts.

“I tell myself I will trust God no matter what, but sometimes I can’t. Why does He allow men such as Vic to get away with their evil deeds? Why does He allow Vic to even live?”

Nate wrapped his arm about her shoulders and drew her close. “Louise, I simply don’t know. The only thing I can say is...” He thought of some of the talks Bertie had delivered at Sunday services at the ranch. “God loves Vic and is giving him a chance to turn around.”

Louise made a dismissive noise. “That’s impossible.”

“Lots of impossible things have become possible with God.” It was a truth he meant to cling to. So many things looked impossible at the moment—getting back to Edendale in time to meet the mountain man, persuading Louise to let him be a part of Chloe’s life. Convincing Louise to help him start up a ranch. Doubts clouded his mind. Why would she want to share a run-down cabin with him?

“You know what I’d like?” Her words broke into his thoughts.


“I’d like a Bible of my own. Do you think I could purchase one in Fort Macleod?”

“I would expect you can.”

“If I could learn to trust God more, I could face the future without worry. Me and Chloe and Missy together.”

She’d left him out of the picture.

Seemed he needed to restrict his impossible hopes to getting back in time to buy the bit of land he wanted. Yet it no longer seemed enough to satisfy his heart.

Chapter Fourteen

After Nate left, Louise lay back staring at the ceiling. Had she really said, “If anything happens to you...”? At least she hadn’t finished the thought. I don’t know what I would do.

Being responsible for a baby made her realize how small and weak she was. She turned her face to the pillow and let a tear or two fall to the sweet-smelling cotton.

She’d get a Bible and read it every day, finding her strength in God alone.

She would not heed the silly need crying out in her heart for someone to share her life with. Someone good and noble and strong like Nate.

Stop it, she ordered herself. Hadn’t she learned her lesson about needing people, depending on them? She’d start a new life without depending on anyone.