Nate felt the blood rush from his face and he grabbed the nearest gate. “Days? You’re joshing.”

Dutch nodded. “Yup, and it gets worse before it gets better.”

Archie took Nate by the arm and led him away until they were by themselves. “Your wife is young and strong. She’ll be fine. Sometimes I think it’s harder to be the man and not able to do anything but watch and wait.”

Nate shuddered. “I would take the pain if I could. It’s not fair for her to endure so much.”

Chapter Thirteen

Searing pain ripped through Louise. Phil rubbed her back and encouraged her.

The pain passed, but she knew it would come again. Wave after wave.

“How much longer?” she asked.

“Not long. Soon you’ll have a little one to hold.”

“Can’t you make it stop?”

Phil shook her head. “’Fraid not.”

Another contraction gripped Louise. “Where’s Nate?” She wanted to squeeze his hand, have him rub her back.

“I sent them outside. Men aren’t good with this sort of thing.”

When another contraction hit, Phil tried to soothe her. “Don’t fight it,” she said in a soft tone.

Louise wondered how Phil knew about birthing, but it didn’t matter. All that counted was getting through the next contraction and the next one until this ended.

Phil turned out the lamp and drew back the heavy curtains on the window at the end of the room. Dazzling light flooded the room.

Louise sat up. “It’s dawn. Have they gone?” Had she been left behind?

“They’ve decided to delay for the day.”

“Delay? Oh, no.” Nate might miss his meeting and it would be her fault. He would never forgive her. She had to tell him to go. But she didn’t want him to. It wasn’t a rational thought, but how could she be rational when this pain took over her body.

She lost track of time and every other thought except making it through the next contraction.

Through the pain, she heard Phil’s voice. “Tell me when you feel like pushing.”

“Now.” She grunted.

Phil went to the foot of the bed. “It will be soon now.”

A bit later, Louise decided Phil’s idea of soon was vastly different than hers. She fell back on the mattress, soaked in sweat and exhausted.

Phil patted her shoulder. “Rest a minute. I’ll be right back.”

Louise closed her eyes. Please let Nate come. I need him.

The door reopened and Louise looked up into Missy’s worried smile.

“She’s going to help you,” Phil said. “She’s going to sit behind you and hold you up so you can push better.”

Missy climbed into bed and held Louise.

Drenched in pain and in sweat from the strain of pushing, Louise lost track of time. She had no idea how long it was until Phil called, “It’s a girl. A perfect little girl.” A thin cry announced her daughter’s entrance into the world.

Louise managed a smile. “A girl. Let me see her.”

Missy eased from the bed to look at the baby. “Oh, she’s beautiful.”

Phil wrapped the baby in a square of flannel and laid her on Louise’s chest. Louise smiled at her daughter. “You are the prettiest baby ever.” Dark blue eyes considered her solemnly as if to demand who was responsible for bringing her into this bright world.

Louise traced the rosebud ears, checked for the correct number of toes and fingers. “She’s perfect.”

Phil and Missy chuckled. “She certainly is.”

Phil opened the door and called, “It’s a girl.”

“I want to see her.” Nate’s voice brooked no more delay, but Phil pushed him away. “Give us time to clean them up.” She closed the door.

Louise lay back exhausted and content, her baby on her chest.

“I’ll bathe her.” Phil took the baby and sponged her clean, then put one of the handmade nightgowns from the trunk on her. “Did you make these?” she asked, admiring the delicate embroidered flowers along the neckline and hem.

“I sewed them. My aunt embellished them.” Oh, Aunt Bea, if you could only see your grandniece. As soon as she got a chance, she would send a letter to Aunt Bea and another to Pa.