He tucked the robe around her legs and shoulders. “That will keep you warm and cozy.”

She couldn’t move beneath the heavy buffalo hide. But he was right. She was warm and cozy, and felt safe and protected.

She was enjoying his attention far too much.

As the stagecoach rolled away, Miss Rolfe glanced back at the way station until it was out of sight, then she turned forward with a breathy sigh. “I wouldn’t have really stayed.”

No one replied. Louise stifled a laugh. She, for one, thought Rowena would have stayed without a second thought if given the least encouragement from Peace.

They traveled onward, their breath making wisps of fog in the cold air.

Miss Rolfe spoke again. “But he seems like an awfully nice man.”

Beside her, Nate couldn’t hold back a chuckle. “He did. But I suppose the reason he is so nice is due to the high morals that he lives out in everything he does.”

Miss Rolfe nodded. “I think you are right.”

Louise stared at Nate. Did he realize he had just condemned her and himself, as well, as immoral people who followed moral values when it suited them and flouted them when it didn’t?

She could think of nothing more immoral than vowing before God without the intention of following through on those vows.

He seemed to know she studied him and turned to meet her gaze. Perhaps reading the confusion, shock and challenge in her eyes, his smile faded and he met her look with equal strength.

Finally, he blinked and his expression grew indifferent. “Are you warm enough?”

She shifted her gaze to the window but couldn’t see any of the passing scenery, as the curtains had been lowered to keep out the cold. “I’m fine, thank you.”

A sense of mischief urged her to turn the tables on him. She looked at him. “Are you warm enough? Comfortable enough? Did you get enough to eat? Did you sleep well?” She eased her arm from out of the warm covering and adjusted the scarf he had wound about his head. “There. You wouldn’t want to lose heat out your chimney.”

Missy giggled.

Miss Rolfe looked startled.

Mr. Adams grinned widely while his son watched with wide-eyed interest.

Nate looked at the curtained window. He sighed deeply for several seconds. “You’ll all have to excuse my wife. She’s a little touchy. I understand it happens to ladies in her condition.”

Missy laughed again, but the others sat back, wondering perhaps if Louise would let the comment pass.

She considered their reaction. Did they think she would get all defensive? Perhaps say something shocking or inappropriate? Well, she had no intention of providing them with entertainment. Not today. She extracted her arm from the warmth of the robes and patted Nate’s shoulder. “Perhaps I am a little touchy. But I really have no need to be. You take such good care of me, don’t you, dear?”

She felt him stiffen, then a grin spread over his face and he laughed.

“You can’t blame me for being concerned, can you?” He grinned down at her and again tucked the covers tightly around her, as if to corral her, making it impossible for her to move.

Maybe he was hoping he could make her stop talking, too.

His gaze caught and held hers, and in his deep blue eyes, she read the truth behind his words. He was truly concerned.

She wished it could be because of her and not because of the need to get back to Edendale in time to talk to a man about a ranch.

Rather than face him and the truth in his gaze, she closed her eyes and rested her head on the side of the coach. Today the road seemed less rough. Or had she simply grown used to it? Either way, she was grateful. There’d been only one bump so far this morning and it had been a little one that barely budged her from the bench.

The covers cocooned her in warmth and she let her thoughts drift aimlessly.

Straight to the first time she had seen Nate.

Did he recall the day? Perhaps she’d ask him when they stopped. It would give them something to discuss besides her comfort.

They pulled in at the first way station to change horses. Despite the cold, Louise wanted to get out and stretch her legs. Otherwise, they cramped up something fierce.

It didn’t surprise her that Nate clung to her side, his arm around her shoulders. He likely meant to steady her so she wouldn’t trip and fall. She allowed it because having him close kept her warm.