She swiped at her eyes, hoping Nate didn’t notice her tears.

It was only her stupid emotions being tampered with by the knowledge she would soon be a mama.

And the fear of what lay ahead.

* * *

Nate wanted to bang his fist on his forehead. Why had he made that comment? Still, they both understood they’d entered a pretend marriage in order to get her safely to Eden Valley Ranch. Once there, he’d get on with his plans. And she’d get on with hers.

Which were? He didn’t know. He had never asked what she meant to do. Not that he needed to. That was her business.

But he shouldn’t have reminded her of the future. She’d been weepy all evening, tears so close to the surface he feared they’d spill over.

He looked at her, tempted to reach out and take her in his arms and apologize, but Peace erased any opportunity. “Men,” he called out, “let’s go outside to give the ladies privacy to prepare for the night.”

Nate gladly grabbed his coat and joined the others in leaving. At least with the men and animals he didn’t have to worry about saying the wrong thing and triggering tears.

He moseyed over to the barn to check on his horse. Sam had rubbed the animal down well and given him feed.

He stayed there, leaning on a gate. He could sleep in the barn with the animals. It might be more peaceful. But he wouldn’t. Someone had to watch over Louise, whether she wanted it or not.

Archie Adams stepped into the barn. “Thinking of bedding down here, are you?”

Was it that obvious? “I guess not.”

“Good, because your wife needs you now more than ever.”

It felt awkward to have someone say she was his wife. “She’s not usually like this.”

“What do you mean?” Archie rested his arms on the top of the gate beside Nate.

“She’s usually feisty.” From what he remembered. “Now she’s weepy. Seems the least little thing will bring on tears.”

The two of them studied the horses for a moment.

Archie chuckled softly. “I remember when my wife was in the family way. She’d swing from happy to sad in the blink of an eye.”

“Is that what it is?”

“I expect so.”

“That’s a relief.” He hadn’t acknowledged it but wondered if she somehow blamed him or regretted marrying him even if only temporarily.

“Just be patient with her. She’ll be back to her old self soon.”

“Soon?” His heart kicked into a gallop. Did the man see something Nate didn’t? Not that it would be hard. Nate had no idea what to expect. Would there be signs when the baby was coming? What if it wanted to come before they reached the ranch? Would they have to stop? For how long? He could hardly breathe. Would she want to go on if the baby was born? Or stay in that spot?

Archie chuckled again and clapped him on the back. “She won’t be normal until the baby is born. Be patient,” he said.

But Nate wouldn’t likely be around by then. She’d be at Eden Valley Ranch and he’d be finding a man to buy himself a little bit of land.

“We can go in now,” Peace called, and the men traipsed inside, keeping the lamp turned low. He had no problem distinguishing Louise on the pile of buffalo hides, wrapped to her chin in gray woolen blankets. Two smaller bodies lay on either side, as if the two other women sheltered her.

Archie signaled Nate to take the spot nearest the women. “You’ll be able to hear her if she needs you,” he whispered.

Before Peace turned out the lamp, Nate unrolled his blankets and stretched out. He was reasonably comfortable, and warm and dry. His muscles relaxed, but his mind refused to follow suit, which was odd. Sleep usually came readily, even when he shared quarters with men who snored, snorted and even a couple who yelled in their sleep.

But none of those sounds disturbed him near as much as the faint sighs coming from Louise’s direction. He had no way of knowing for certain if they came from her. But he also had no assurance they didn’t.

Missy was at her side. If Louise needed anything, she had only to tell her. Relieved by that thought, he drifted off.

He didn’t know how long he slept or what wakened him, but he was wide-awake, his heartbeat pounding. He strained to hear whatever had roused him.