That wasn’t all that was despicable about Vic, though Louise seemed to be the only one who saw how he eyed Missy and how, when he thought no one was looking, he bothered her as if he had some claim to her.

After the Porters’ deaths, Nate had decided to move on and had tried to convince the trio to leave with him. When Gordie refused, Louise knew she, too, must stay and watch out for Missy.

Besides, Louise couldn’t leave the only place and the only people who had ever made her feel welcome. If Nate had stuck around, perhaps he could have made Gordie realize how evil Vic was, but Nate had left them to manage on their own. He’d gone on to build his own life. A carefree one, according to his mother.

Louise had put behind her any thought that Nate had cared about her.

A year and a half ago, she’d married Gordie. She loved him in her own way, perhaps because he was a Porter. But it also gave her the hope of watching over Missy and maybe changing the direction of Gordie’s life.

Oh, how she’d failed.

She waited for the tangle of anger, frustration and helplessness to unravel inside her chest. Gordie had not changed. He’d been shot to death. No one had ever been held accountable, but she suspected Vic had shot Gordie. Perhaps her husband had finally stood up to Vic and paid the ultimate price.

Since Gordie’s death, Vic had grown increasingly persistent, threatening even. She rubbed the spot on her arm where he had grabbed her and held her tight just a few hours ago.

“Soon as that baby is born, I got me a job to do.” He’d pressed his face close to hers and held her so she couldn’t back away. “After all, Gordie and I was partners. He’d expect me to take care of his wife and little sister.” As he spoke, spittle sprayed from his teeth.

She pushed aside the memory and hurried on. She had to get away. But where? Her father had already refused to have her. He said he was close to finding a rich gold strike. Besides, the tent he lived in was no place for a baby.

What was she to do?

On her way home Louise slowed her steps and recaptured her breath. Oh, to have this baby and be again able to move about as easily as she once had. A few minutes later she arrived at the Porter house—her home since marrying Gordie. If she’d hoped to again know the warmth she’d experienced there when his parents were alive, she’d soon learned it wouldn’t happen. The happy home she’d grown to expect with the Porters had died along with them. As she reached for the doorknob, she heard Missy’s voice raised in protest.

“Get away from me.”

Anger filling her with fresh energy, Louise pushed the door open.

She’d thought Missy safe because Vic was supposed to be gone for the day. But now he had Missy in a corner, his body pressed to hers as Missy tried vainly to fend him off.

“Leave her alone.” Louise grabbed the closest weapon, the broom, and beat on Vic.

He released Missy to cover his head against Louise’s blows. One hand snaked out and wrenched the broom from her.

“You will soon enough discover that you belong to me. Both of you. By the way, I’m moving in so’s I can keep an eye on my property.” Muttering under his breath, he slammed the door behind him as he left the house.

Louise stared at his belongings stacked against the wall. She’d toss them all out into the yard except it wouldn’t stop him. He wasn’t a man to take no for an answer.

Missy fell into Louise’s arms. “That man makes me feel dirty both inside and out.”

Louise rubbed Missy’s back. “I know. But don’t worry. I’ll find a way to make sure he doesn’t bother us.”

But how would she succeed in keeping her promise?

* * *

Twenty-one-year-old Nate Hawkins, known as Slim at Eden Valley Ranch where he now lived and worked, spent a few minutes at his friend’s grave. “Gordie, I’m sorry I couldn’t make it for your funeral.” To this day, he missed his friend. Things used to be so good between them. Until Gordie’s parents died and Vic entered the picture. Nate had tried to make Gordie see the foolishness of his ways, but Gordie had ignored his warnings.

After that, everything had changed.

Things always changed. His father had died when Nate was eight and Ma had moved them to Rocky Creek so she could find work to support them. She was gone long hours, so he barely saw her and had to take care of himself. He’d found a place of refuge with Gordie and his family. Louise had become part of that group when she moved in with her aunt Bea. In Nate’s mind, she’d become the sunshine of the group.