He laughs along with my dad as he sits down behind me. I bet we’re one hell of a sight. Three huge hockey players, all piled into a golf cart. That’s why Shea bought his own XXL golf cart, to fit him and his sons. We head down the course, Shea and my dad chatting as thoughts of Shelli flood my brain. My heart hasn’t slowed down since I saw the text from Miranda. My stomach hurts from our fight, and I want nothing more than to wrap my arms around Shelli and ignore it all. That’s not adulting, though, and I know I’m going to have to face off with her sooner rather than later. I exhale heavily as I lean back, polishing off what’s left of my beer.

“Getting cold feet?” my dad jokes, and I shake my head.

“Not at all. I know I want to marry Shelli.”

“That’s good to hear since this wedding has cost me my left arm, leg, and testicle.”

Dad scoffs. “That’s your daughter right there.”

“I know. She’s lucky I love her so damn much.”

“Same,” I say softly, throwing my beer in the trash bag hanging on the golf cart.

I feel their gazes on me as I look out into the abyss of the golf course. I don’t want to be here. I want to be with Shelli. Damn it.

“Wanna talk about it?”

I look over at my dad, trying to buy some time. “What?”

“You’re obviously troubled. Two beers in a thirty-minute span and lots of complex sighing. What’s wrong?”

“Yeah, you’re very down for someone who is getting married in a couple days’ time,” Shea adds. “Trouble in your little paradise?”

I exhale again deeply, lacing my fingers together. “Shelli and I got into a huge fight this morning. She was offered a role in Hamilton.”

My dad grimaces, and Shea sucks in a sharp breath through his teeth. “What role?” Shea asks, and my shoulders fall.

“Lead female role.”

“No doubt,” Dad says. “She’s basically the best.”

“I know.”

“But you’re upset because you guys are building a life here?” Shea asks, and I nod. “I was under the impression she retired.”

“So was I,” I groan loudly, cupping my face. “I should have known better. She loves performing. She loves singing. But I mean, we’re looking at houses, which would be stupid if we’re paying for an apartment up in New York. And I love having her on the road with us. I don’t ever miss a moment with her now, and if she’s in New York, I’ll miss them all.”

When neither of them answers or even comments, I look up to find the cart has stopped, and the gazes of the two men I look up to most are piercing through me.

My dad leans back, shaking his head. “Should I take this?”

Shea nods. “He’s your kid.”

“True, but you have a hand in raising him.”

“I do,” Shea says with a laugh. “But I’m Team Shelli until I die, so I might hurt his feelings.”

I look between my two father figures. “What the hell?”

“Aiden, you sound like a spoiled child,” my dad says, holding my gaze. “I saw your mom and you kids consistently for maybe three months out of the year. I didn’t have you guys on the road with me. I had phone calls and that was it, and guess what? Your mom and I are fine, and you kids are loved, hard.”

Shea nods. “Even with Elli running the Assassins, she didn’t travel with me the way Shelli does you. We didn’t say anything because you both were happy, but this isn’t how it is for most couples in the sport. And hell, Aiden, do you know who you are marrying?”

I blink. “Yeah. Shelli.”

“Who is she?”

Oh. I see where he is going with this. “She thrives even when she isn’t trying.”

“Exactly. She has goals. She is constantly wanting to be the best at whatever she is doing,” Dad says. “I’ve never seen a girl hustle the way she does. If she wants something, she gets it, and you knew that from the start. I mean, she’s been in love with you since she was a kid, and look who she is marrying.”

“I couldn’t say it better,” Shea adds. “She may have everything she will ever need financially, but she has to fill her soul. You can’t keep her from doing that, or she’ll be unhappy. And you don’t want that.”

“I don’t, and I’d never keep her from her dreams,” I promise. “I know that she’s going to go, and I’ll be front row opening night. But she lied, she tried to keep it from me, when we both know she’s going to do it.”

Shea whistles, and my dad shakes his head. “She is probably struggling with it, too. I’m sure she also loves the life you two are building. With her leaving for half a year at the least, that throws a huge wrench into your plans. She doesn’t want to be the one to do that.”