And I hate that I feel that’s where we are.

I don’t think he would make me choose. He isn’t like that. He loves me and wants whatever I want, but we’ve fallen into one hell of a routine. We are living a life not many hockey players are granted. No player gets his significant other at every waking moment when they’re on the road. No player gets job security like Aiden has. I’m a consistent pillar in his daily routine, and if I’m in New York, I won’t be there for him. I’m not saying he needs me or depends on me, but we enjoy each other. He’s my best friend. My love, my everything. So, it’s easy to see why he is so upset. He’s been given the best-case scenario, and I’m about to blow that all to hell.

And the fear of the unknown is paralyzing.

When my friend Lacey King comes toward me, though, I push Aiden to the back of my mind. This is for her. For her fight against a breast cancer that has come back, and her need to educate and bring awareness to women all over.

It doesn’t matter what cancer takes. You are still a queen.

Damn if I’m not proud of that line. Aiden is too, said it was the best he’d ever heard.

He’s my ultimate hype dude.

Lacey looks absolutely stunning in a flowy lace number that is see-through to show the scars on her chest. She has on nude underwear, but in reality, all you see is the crown on her bald head. It’s so bright, so sparkly, and I’m in awe of her. “My God, you’re gorgeous!”

Lacey grins. “Thanks, Shelli. I feel gorgeous.”

I beam. “Good. You ready?”

“I am, but are you sure you don’t want me to go last so I can greet everyone?”

I shake my head. “No, I want you to go first so your incredible confidence fuels everyone else. You’re such a role model.”

Her face fills with color. “Thanks, Shelli.”

We hug, and I squeeze her extra tight while I squeeze my eyes shut just as tight. I can’t think of my world without Lacey in it. She’s inspiring, so I need this campaign to be well received and raise a lot of money. Helping others is what fuels Lacey to fight, along with her awesome husband and beautiful children. When I open my eyes, I see Aviva and Callie Pearce walking through the door. Aviva is the fiancée of Nico Merryweather, the goalie for the IceCats. I called every team to send me women associated with their organizations who are battling cancer. It’s scary how many women signed up. We have volunteers from twelve teams out of thirty-two.

But I am most excited to have Aviva and Callie. While Callie and Aviva haven’t had breast cancer, they both had double mastectomy surgery since they are genetically predisposed to getting it. ’Callie’s only eighteen, I think, and part of my plan is to show that cancer has no age limits. Aviva had the surgery after her mother’s long battle with breast cancer and is currently pregnant. I want to show that after the storm, there is sunshine. Add in the fact that both Aviva and Callie are courageous and stunning women, and I know their pictures will be inspiring.

I kiss Lacey’s cheek before heading toward Aviva and Callie. I plaster on one hell of a grin since I know Aviva is wary of me. Thankfully, she smiles as we shake hands. “It’s so good to see you. Thank you for coming.”

“Of course. It was great to be able to see Callie, even though we just dropped her off at Bellevue a couple weeks ago.”

Her sister beams. “Hey, I’m not complaining,” she says as she shakes my hand. “Thank you for having us.”

“Absolutely. How much longer you got, Aviva?” I ask, pointing to her belly.

She beams as she holds it. “Four months. I almost can’t believe it.”

“My sister and cousin are pregnant. You know Amelia.”

Callie lights up. “Yes, she’s my coach. She’s actually meeting us for dinner tonight.”

“Isn’t it funny how we’re all connected somehow?” I ask as I smile widely at both of them. “I am so excited. You guys are going to kill these photos,” I gush, and then another voice joins us.

A throaty one. One that belongs to a guy I was with for a hot second.

“Of course they will. No one is as gorgeous as my girls.”

Nico Merryweather towers over us as he hugs Aviva. He’s a beautiful man and a very talented goalie. He was also great in bed, but I knew from the beginning that he wouldn’t last. He wasn’t Aiden Brooks. Thankfully, though, he found Aviva, and I know he’s found true happiness. I wanted nothing less for him. He’s a good dude, just not my dude.

“Agreed. They’re stunning for sure. How are you, Nico?”