I roll my eyes, even though he can’t see me. “I had planned on telling you today, no matter what happened. But then you proposed and we won, so it added to the greatness of the day.”

He moves his lips along my temple. “Don’t hide things from me, even if you think it’s for the best. You don’t have to be strong all the time, Posey. I got you. I want to be there for you.”

I turn my face to prop my chin on his chest. “I just wanted to make sure I was okay before I opened up that can of worms again. I feel we still aren’t really over the first one.”

He doesn’t answer me at first. “I’m not over seeing you in pain. It still keeps me awake at night a lot of the time, but I think, together, we’re okay.”

“We are,” I agree. “Which is why I didn’t want to put the pressure on this one. The worry. I don’t know. You’re still the only person who knows.”


“Yeah, no one but my doctor knows.”

“You didn’t tell Shelli?”

I laugh. “With the way she lost her mind when Amelia told us she was pregnant? I refuse to be on the other end of that. I’ll wait till after the wedding.”

He laughs. “I’m ready for this circus to be over.”

“You and me both, hot stuff.”

He gathers me tighter in his arms, and I hate that I upset him. While I think it was for the best and I was pretty sure he would be upset with me for hiding the pregnancy, I still feel a little bad. Just a little.

“I’m sorry, Hoenes.”

He kisses the top of my head. “You’re lucky you’re hot.”

I laugh out loud, turning to my side so I can be close to his face. “Hot, huh?”

He grabs a chunk of my ass. “And this… You’re lucky I get all this.” He then clutches my face in his hand, squeezing my jaw. “But mostly, you’re lucky I’m completely in love with you.”

I lean in, kissing his lips. It was only supposed to be a sweet, small kiss, but it’s Boon. Kissing him isn’t ever just small or sweet; it’s a rock-your-world, crazy kind of kiss. He holds me in place with his hand as our tongues dance together. I fall deep into the kiss, almost as if it’s the first time I’ve ever felt his mouth against mine. He pulls back first, kissing my top lip and then the tip of my nose before rubbing my jaw with his thumb. “So, when are we telling people?”

“After their wedding,” I say, leaning my face into his hand. “I won’t be showing too much, and if someone asks why I’m fat—”

He growls. “I wish they would,” he warns, and I grin. I move my face into his palm, kissing it. “No one will say anything to you, but I want to tell people.”

I grin against his palm. “Of course you do, but—”

“We hid us. I don’t want to hide this. Especially after the last pregnancy, this is a miracle, Posey.”

I hear him, I do, but I want to wait. “Everything is so great right now, though,” I insist. “With the Assassins, Shelli’s wedding—”

“I’m sorry, but Shelli and her wedding aren’t even on my radar,” he says matter-of-factly. “Yes, the Assassins are making one hell of a run, and that’s that. But this is about us, about our miracle.”

Man, he has the feels flowing through me. “I don’t know, Boon. Maybe after the Cup final.”

“But my mom is here,” he reminds me. “We can have a nice dinner and announce it.”

“You do remember a certain Shea Adler, correct?”

He chuckles. “I’m not scared…of him hitting me. It’s already happened once.”

I snort. “I don’t want it to happen again,” I urge. “Let him get through Shelli’s wedding, and then we’ll tell him.” When the moonlight moves across Boon’s face, my breath catches. There are tears in his eyes. “Oh, Boon, don’t be upset.”

“I don’t want our life to be dictated by what’s going on with everyone else. You’ve been doing that your whole fucking life, and I think you’re better than that.”

I swallow hard. His words are true, but I don’t want to give them light. “It’s not—”

“I want to tell everyone,” he demands, and my heart stops in my chest. “I want to marry you too.”

I grin. “I said yes, Boon. That means we’re getting married.”

“I know, but I want to marry you. Tomorrow.”


He sits up, bringing me with him. I’m unable to catch my breath as I meet his gaze, falling into his lap. “Yes, marry me tomorrow.”

“Boon! We can’t get married tomorrow! What about our parents?”

“We’ll go to the courthouse and have everyone meet us.”

“Boon Zachariah! Are you crazy?”

“For you? Absolutely. Marry me tomorrow, Posey.”

I just blink at him, unsure how to even process this. “You want to marry me tomorrow?”