“Can I suggest something?” my mom asks. I tear my gaze from Boon’s, and we both look at my mom. She is rubbing my dad’s back. He looks as white as a sheet, but she is smiling. It calms me, her eyes and her smile. “First, congratulations,” she says softly, her eyes filling with tears. “I still don’t think I’m old enough to be a grandma, but here we go.”

My lip wobbles as Boon cuddles me into his side.

“Neither one of us does,” Tina adds, and when they share a loving look, I don’t hate her as much.

“I am over-the-top excited for you, but please, give me until Monday.”

“Monday?” Boon and I ask together.

“Yes. I can give you a wedding with all the people we love, and it will be perfect.”

I look at Boon as he says, “But we have practice Monday.”

“Yes. So we will have an evening wedding since I assume you two didn’t plan on having a honeymoon.”

I shake my head. “We were going to go after the Cup run.”

“Exactly. So, you two go to practice, which is now eight a.m.—”

“Thanks, guys,” Wes complains. “I like my sleep.”

“Shut it, you,” Mom demands, and Wes smacks his lips together audibly. “That will give you guys time for practice, a quick nap, and then we’ll get ready. I can make this happen, and it’ll be everything you ever dreamed of.”

“Her standards are low. She was going to get married, while pregnant, in a park across the street,” Quinn quips.

“I think there is a dude sleeping on the bench, too. Would we ask him to leave?” Owen asks.

“Wait, that’s the minister,” Evan says, pointing to him.

“Why do you guys make me crazy?” Mom laments before looking back to me with pleading eyes. “Let me do this for you. Please. I don’t want you to look back on this and think, man, I wish we had waited forty-eight hours for my mom to put on one hell of a shindig.”

Boon chuckles as he looks over at me. “I’m good with whatever you want, as long as you still want to marry me.”

“I do. I absolutely do,” I say immediately, and he cups my face. “But I want my mom’s dress and my whole family.” His eyes are full of such compassion. “Don’t hate me, please.”

“Never,” he says before kissing my nose. “You know this won’t be intimate anymore.”

“It was already well past intimate with just the people at this table.”

He grins. “True. Man, it will be hard, but I can wait forty-eight hours to call you Mrs. Hoenes.”

I cup his jaw before leaning in close so no one hears me. “All the blow jobs.”

“Did she just say she’s giving him all the blow jobs?” Evan asks, disgust in his voice.

“Do you get that with wives? I’m about to find me one of those!” Owen announces, and I want to die. But then, I don’t.

If I did, then I wouldn’t be trapped in Boon’s beautiful gaze.

“I think I’m having a heart attack.”

“Shea, you’re not. Relax!”

“We aren’t very good at spontaneous,” Boon jokes, and suddenly my eyes are watery. I love him so much.

“I don’t know. I remember a certain plane ride that still hits the spot.”

He beams, his nose moving with mine. “I’m going to give you one hell of a life, Posey.”

“Damn right, you are,” I say against his lips, and as we kiss, my dad proclaims he’s having a heart attack, for which my mom yells at him.

It’s all insane.

It’s all crazy.

But it’s how my family does things.

“Hope you’re ready,” I say against his lips. “This is mild.”

He scoffs. “Nope. This is just about right. You Adlers are crazy, but hell if I’m not completely in love with the best one.”

I press my nose to his. “I can’t wait to marry you.”


Chapter Four


“So, will you be able to stay?”

My mom looks back from where Posey is still trying to calm the insanity of her family. I wasn’t expecting all that. I thought they would be surprised but would still be excited and happy for us. That’s not what we got. They were surprised, for sure, but I don’t feel as if they’re happy for us. Or even excited. Maybe Elli, but everyone else seems to think we are crazy.

I don’t care, though; I want to marry Posey as soon as possible. I want to go into the Cup final a married man. I don’t know why, but I don’t want to wait. I wish she had told me about her aunts, though. I know they mean a lot to her, and I guess I should have remembered about her mom’s dress. She always talks about it when they go to fittings for Shelli’s dresses.

What a beautiful disaster this has become.

Mom looks a little unsure of herself as she leans against Wes’s car. He was a bud and picked her up from the hotel where she is staying. She is supposed to be leaving tomorrow, but I’m hoping she can stay for the wedding. Maybe even the Cup final.